Genesis 2:7
A depiction of god making Adam, according to Genesis 2:7, as comically illustrated by Watson Heston (1890). [2]
In religio-mythology, Adam (TR:175), from the Semitic adamah, meaning “ground” (or clay), + “Atum”, the Egyptian primordial land mound god, as contrasted with Eve, is the name of the first human, created by god, according to the Abrahamic religions.

In 500BC, in the Bible, in Genesis 2:7, the following statement, concerning the origin of man, is found:

“And the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.”

The name "Adam", is first seen in Genesis 2:19, as follows (KJV):

“Denn als Gott der HERR gemacht hatte von der Erde allerlei Tiere auf dem Felde und allerlei Vögel unter dem Himmel, brachte er sie zu dem Menschen, daß er sähe, wie er sie nennte; denn der wie Mensch allerlei lebendige Tiere nennen würde, so sollten sie heißen.” (Luther Bibel, 1545) (Ѻ)

“And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam [ha-adam or ‘the man’] to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” (KJV, 1611) (Ѻ)


See main: Atum and Adam
In 1907, Gerald Massey, in his decoding of the story of Cain and Abel, connects Atum and Adam as follows: [3]

Story / Myth

Atum (father)
Set & Osiris | → Horus (legitimate heir)
Egyptian mythology (c.2800BC)

Adam (father)
Cain & Abel | → Seth (legitimate heir)
Jewish mythology (c.500BC)

In 2000, Gary Greenberg, similar to Massey, argued that the name the first man, as Adam, according to Jewish mythology, made from clay or earth, is a rescript of Coffin Text 80, wherein Atum, the primordial god, conceptualized as the land mound of “earth” (e.g. pyramids), which emerged from the Nun (or was created by Nun), or primordial flood (i.e. Nile River), “breaths” out the god Shu (or air), through his nostrils, the life force god. Greenberg also asserts that the myth of Khnum creating the first two humans from clay, on his potter’s wheel, which are brought to life by the power of the Ankh, put to the mouth of the clay, by the god Hathor, plus the older Mesopotamian myth of creation of the first humans from a mixture of blood and clay, were influential, via syncretism, in the story or rather two parallel creation of Adam stories. [1]

Quotes | Adam’s rib
The following are Adam's rib related quotes:

“How could god create Eve from Adam’s rib?”
— Ricky (2015), one of three written down questions, brought by an aged 11 boy to Libb Thims' Zerotheism for Kids: Smart Atheism for Children “Monday School” class, Aug 10

“Why was there a first man, instead of a woman?”
— Temple (2015), one of six written down questions, brought by an aged 10 girl to Libb Thims' Zerotheism for Kids: Smart Atheism for Children “Monday School” class, Aug 10

“The drafting book Smart Atheism: for Kids is a follow up to an actual ‘smart atheism’ stylized ‘Sunday School’ for kids class I taught in Aug 2015 to five kids, who came with Noah’s ark and Adam’s rib questions and left (Ѻ) with Big Bang and molecular evolution answers.”
Libb Thims (2017), “Email to Gary Greenberg”, Jun 10

The following are related quotes:

“The first creation story focuses on heaven and earth; the second focuses on human beings. The first story ends with man; the second begins with him. In the first, man is to be the master of life on earth (1:28); in the second, he is to be the servant of the earth (2:5, 2:15). In the first male and female are created together; in the second they are created sequentially. In the first story, man is made directly in the image of god (1:27); in the second he is made of earthly dust and divine breath (2:7) and becomes godlike only at the end — ‘now man is become like one of us’ (3:22) — and only in transgressing’.”
— Leon Kass (2003), Beginning of Wisdom (Ѻ)

See also
Adam and Eve
● Adam’s rib
Clay creation myth

1. Greenberg, Gary. (2000). 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History (§Myth #19: God formed Adam from the dust of the earth, pgs. 46-47). Source Books.
2. Heston, Watson. (1890). The Old Testament Comically Illustrated. The Truth Seeker Co, 1892.
3. Massey, Gerald. (1907). Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World: a Work of Reclamation and Restitution in Twelve Books, Volume One (pgs. 457-58). T. Fisher Unwin.

External links
Adam – Wikipedia.
Adam – Online Etymology Dictionary.

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