An 1858 definition of analysis, by English chemist John Bidlake, with etymology, as the "taking to pieces a compound body [into] its constitute elements". [1]
In chemistry, analysis, from the Greek ana “thoroughly” and lusis “a loosening”, refers to the decomposition or taking to pieces a compound body, into its constituent elements. [1]
Hmolscience In hmolscience, in regards to a human molecule's (person's) reaction existence (life), the term "analysis" is the modern term for what in ancient times was called "death", which is now a defunct theory (see: defunct theory of life). In plain speak, a person, technically, cannot "die" anymore so that can any other atom or molecule die, but rather can only be synthesized (born) or analyzed (die). The outdated terms, e.g. "born", "die", "life", etc., are mythological-religious carryover terms, that do not hold up in the modern physical science view of the universe; hence the regress to pure chemical descriptions.
References 1. Bidlake, John P. (1858). Bidlake’s Elementary Chemistry: aText-book of Elementary Chemistry for the Use of Schools and Junior Students (analysis, pg. 6). London: Allman and Son.