Top: the 11 Sep 2014 debut page look to the new Libb Thims launched “Atheism Reviews” channel (see atheism timeline) aimed at bringing some order to the growing physical science vs. religious science debates sprouting up in recent years. The Michelangelo “God vs Gibbs” icon, shown above, indicative of the new frontline in the religion vs science debates, the old front line being “Darwin vs God”. Right: the show logo used as table display during show filming of reviews, indicative of the gist view that all that exists is atoms and energy (and god is NOT energy). |
“These fellas on the video are hilarious! Now that's some good drinking!!”— Christine Torrez (2016), “Thread Comment” (Ѻ) on 13 Nov 2014 “Christian William Craig vs Osiris-Horus Jesus Connection” video
“We are living in a totally ridiculous world. We have all kinds of things from horoscopes to Zen Buddhism to faith healers to religions to what have you. The whole world around us is full of nonsense, baloney, big speak and what have you. The fact that I'm busy in science has little or nothing to do with religion. In fact, I protect myself, I don't want to have to do with religion. Because once I start with that, I don't know where it will end. But probably I will be burned or shot or something in the end. I don't want anything to do with it. I talk about things I can observe and other things I can predict and for the rest you can have it.”— Martinus Veltman (2004) interview (Ѻ) with Harold Kroto (quote, 10:05-) (Ѻ)
“One person with a belief is a social power equal to ninety-nine who have only interests.”— John Mill (c.1855), Publication
“One horse-laugh is worth ten thousand syllogisms.”— Henry Mencken (c.1930) [6]
“Every great action is extreme.”— Francois la Rochefoucauld (c.1865) (Ѻ)
“One of the reasons we atheists have to be loud and assertive is that we are floating alone in a vast sea of ignorance.”— Paul Myers (2008), on the so-called atheist misconception [4]
“Pull no punches. If you think I’ve gone off the track let me have it straight.”— Anon (1950), engineering student (Ѻ) querying Einstein on religious-free “purpose”
“It takes the latter half of all of one’s lifetime to unlearn the falsehood that was instilled into us during the earlier half. Generation after generation we learn, unlearn, and re-learn the same lying legendary lore. Henceforth, our studies must begin from the evolutionist standpoint in order that they may not have to be gone over again.”— Gerald Massey (1883), The Natural Genesis
“The clash between atheism and religion has become the defining battle of the 21st century.”— Nick Spencer (2014), Atheists: the Origin of Species (Ѻ)
“There is no God! There is no God! I came to America so I could say that. In my country [Iran], they will kill me if I say it.”— Sadegh Simorgh (2014), response following query by Libb Thims of “Are you a Muslim?”, to which he first responded “On my ID card”, to which Thims responded “What do you mean?”, Oct 31
A Gibbs energy vs God’s energy diagram, modified from the human free energy of formation page, outlining the gist of the overarching aim of the Atheism Reviews channel. |
See also: God vs GibbsA central focus of Atheism Reviews channel, central host Libb Thims being an “assassin of God” (Albert Camus, 1942) “in training”, in the great lineage of trained assassins, from Schopenhauer to Nietzsche, and possibly Weininger, is to usurp God’s energy with Gibbs energy (see: Gibbs landscape).
“What do you call the person who trains the assassins of God? Goethe.”— Libb Thims (2014), mental reflection note, from posts #42-44, in thread “You can be smart and believe in God?” (Nov 9) on the focus of the Atheism Reviews channel, 10:29AM CST Dec 18
“God is not a magician with a magic wand.”— Pope Francis (2014), speech, Oct 27 (Ѻ) (Ѻ) (V)
A comparison between a carbon-carbon and a human-human bond forming reaction, both of which are godless, involving but changes in proton-electron photon interaction dynamics. |
Left: YouTube was launched on 14 Feb 2005 after which atheism channels and communities began to emerge and form, one of the earliest being The Amazing Atheist, launched in 2006. Right: a 1 Oct 2014 photo of the new Atheism Reviews broadcast table, showing molecules-to-man evolution, on the left, and God vs Gibbs conflict, on the right. |
See main: Top YouTube atheism channelsThe following are a selection of the top ten of top "atheism channels" in YouTube that upload some debate-like videos, and or atheism discussions or topics, ranked by views per sub (v/s):
1. The Atheist Voice (6 Jun 2013) 7.2M views | 100K subs (72 v/s)
2. GenerationXeroFilms (18 Jun 2008) 1.2M views | 14K subs (85 v/s)
3. Evid3nc3 (8 Nov 2007) 4M views | 42K subs (95 v/s)
4. Christina Rad (20 Sep 2008) 10M views | 99K subs (101 v/s)
5. CultOfDusty (9 Dec 2008) 19M views | 179K subs (106 v/s)
6. AronRa (24 Aug 2006) | 13M views | 110k subs (118v/s) (Ѻ) (Ѻ)
7. FactVsReligion (13 May 2008) 3M views | 25K subs (120 v/s)
8. JaclynGlenn (22 Mar 2011) 16M views | 237K subs (126 v/s)
9. The Thinking Atheist (27 May 2009) 23M views | 181K subs (127 v/s)
10. The Atheist Experience (30 Sep 2008) 16M views | 122K subs (131 v/s)
IQ | Studies
See main: Religion and intelligenceIn respect to IQ and religiousity, firstly, 2013 meta-analysis studies, find that religious people tend to be less intelligent, i.e. have a lower general intelligence, that atheists: specifically, team led by Miron Zuckerman of the University of Rochester found “a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity” in 53 out of 63 studies. (Ѻ) Secondly, 2010 Pew research polls, found, via polls multiple answer testing on basic religious questions, find that atheists have a higher “religious IQ” than religious people. (Ѻ)
Left: a depiction of Baron d’Holbach’s famous “all children are born atheists” quote, about how religion is ingrained into the mind at birth, and how, as Gerald Massey (1883) points out, “it takes the latter half of all of one’s lifetime to unlearn the falsehood.” Right: the first introduction video to Atheism Reviews made on 15 Sep 2014. |
See main: Atheism Reviews playlistThe following are the slated first videos for Atheist Review productions, the "IJ" short for interjection points:
IJ1:1:24 (ontic opening); IJ2: 2:29 (new age, quantum consciousness, thermodynamics); IJ3:2:56 (woo woo physics, Ryan Grannell) (Ѻ); IJ4:4:14 (non-locality, connected universe); IJ5:5:07 (ad homonym); IJ6:5:55 (credentiality, Buffett number, Moriarty-Thims debate, 8-degrees problem [George Scott]; IJ7:7:19 (Einstein: “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”); IJ8:7:32 (Hawking: “It would be very difficult to explain how the universe should [“would” Chopra] have begun in just this way except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us”, anthropic principle); IJ9:7:51 (misattribution, anachronism [Robert Doyle]); IJ10:8:08 (God-given: insight, inspiration, creativity, free will, conscious choice, imagination … “are your neurons doing that or are you doing that?”); IJ11:8:36 (personal god), IJ12:9:23 (closeted atheists issue: 95 percent of AAS members are atheists, but “they do not like to say so” as Napoleon found); IJ13:10:27 (public embarrassment). [3]
Location: Caltech. Date: 23 Mar 2010. Topic: the question: "Does God Have a Future?", presented by ABC's Nightline. Participants: Sam Harris and Michael Shermer vs Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston. Moderator: Dan Harris.
Three of Atheism Reviews channel founder Libb Thims unfinished draft manuscripts, each touching on either implicit and or explicit atheism concerns and issues. [2] |
See also: Atheism timelineThe Atheism Reviews YouTube channel was launched or rather initiated, by American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, on 11 Sep 2014, ironically, by coincidence, on the 13th anniversary of the 2001 9/11 attack, an act which ushered in the so-called “new atheism” era, a significant stopping point on the atheism timeline, the slated-to-be first video for the new channel.
Atheism Reviews host Libb Thims, known as an extreme atheist (2011), at 2:41 AM Aug 25th 2014, trying to get Pat, aka King Atheist, Atheism reviews co-host, to “pray to God”, on one of the ten knee-pad extending Korean church chairs the good Lord gracious gave us [i.e. the one’s Libb swiped from the alley a few hours before the party] the night of the 4th Annual Summer Party. In the back: party goers Dave throwing up his Christian “C” gang signs, and, in the middle: Lawrence keepin’ it real! Numbers shown being each person's self-estimated number on the Dawkins scale of belief in the existence of God. Top right: the Atheism Reviews recording studio, the molecular evolution table shown at right; photos of Johann Goethe (1784), Erasmus Darwin (1794), Etienne Saint-Hilaire (1833), the three core "pre-Darwianian" evolutionists, and Charles Darwin (1859). Bottom right: the Atheism Reviews Adidas Polo T-shirt (Ѻ) with molecules-to-man evolution AR logo, worn by host Libb Thims and co-host Pat. A "Keep Calm and Trust God" shirt (Ѻ) was ordered for God-believers. |
“Nye seemed to embody the typically naive scientist-type about to debate the religious for the first time: ‘Science is obviously right’, ‘this guy’s beliefs are obviously cuckoo’, so ‘what, me worry?’ Nye strikes me as totally unprepared for the type of tactics he is about to encounter, and he speaks at a pace 3-times slower than the average creationist debater, so you can just see the creationist audience ticking off all of Ham’s arguments he won’t get to.”
a. Hmolscience
b. Genius rankings
c. Atheism / Religio-mythology
A depiction of some of the so-called "new atheists" making headlines into the 21st century. |
One of the inherent problems of engaging—for scientists in particular—into religion vs science, filled with “god talk” laced debates, is that it invariably becomes a straight drop into idiocy land, discussions beyond inanity (see: creationist scientists ranked by idiocy), and nonplus. [5] |
See main: Creationism scientists ranked by idiocyThe following is a general rule of thumb motto in regards to AR mindset:
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”— Johann Goethe (1830), variant (Ѻ) of conversations (Ѻ)
“I lost 5 IQ points reading Strobel's book, which was nothing more than mindless propaganda.”— Anon (2003), commentary on Strobel’s The Case For Christ (Ѻ)
Left: a God-believer shirt for guest appearance theists. Right: an Atheism Reviews logo. |