Rewards of the atheist
A 2008 DevianArt depiction by a theist (Ѻ) of their conception, or rather misconception, of an atheist, as someone who believes in nothing, not even love, morals, purpose (or sense of purpose), or meaning. [1]
In terminology, atheist misconception refers to commonly conceptualized ideas or pictures, often held in the mind of theists, about atheists, regarding how they visualize atheists seeing or thinking the universe, in respect to human affairs and or meanings, e.g. viewing atheists as “lonely nihilists who believe in nothing” (Myers, 2008), or “not able to believe in love” (anon artist, image shown), or amoral or without morals, etc.

The following, summarized by atheism historian Michael Palmer (2013), is example of the so-called “atheist fallacy”, the assumed conclusion that without god in mind existence thereby becomes meaningless, purposeless and without point: [2]

“It is a common assumption of religious faith that, without God, life is essentially meaningless and purposeless, with human beings condemned to the depressing and uninviting prospect of the compost heap.”

This is the co-called "god void issue". Palmer goes on to state:

“With God’s death [Nietzsche, 1882], meaning has been relocated.”

Palmer goes on to quote from Albert Camus and his atheist rendition of the myth of Sisyphus as seeming reconciliation of the issue.

A reaction, so to say, to some of these atheist misconceptions, have been published statements by atheists, called "atheist's creeds", about what, exactly, he or she does believe in, if not god.

“The very pith of the Atheist’s Creed is contained in once sentence, which concists of only two words. Or, like every other creed, it is a negative throughout. ‘No God!’”
— W.T. Marris (1883), “Sermon”, at Grosvenor Street Wesleyan Chapel (Ѻ)

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1. (a) Myers, Paul Z. (2008). “Actually, it’s theists who believe in nothing, quite fervently” (Ѻ) (Ѻ), Pharyngula,, Mar 7.
(b) PZ Myers – Wikipedia.
2. Palmer, Michael. (2013). Atheism for Beginners: a Coursebook for Schools and Colleges. Lutterworth Press.

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