In terminology, atheist’s creed refers to a set of fundamental beliefs, or guiding principles, held by an atheist, at least one of which must be a belief that god does not exist. Some examples of atheist creeds are listed below. Atheist creeds, said another way, are published statements by atheists, about what, exactly, he or she does believe in, if not god.

Apostles’ creed | God-version
In circa 390, the so-called “Apostles’ creed” originated, supposedly, in a letter by Ambrose to Pope Siricius, which stated: “Let them give credit to the Creed of the Apostles, which the Roman Church has always kept and preserved undefiled.” (Ѻ) The modern version of which, oft-recited in modern Church, is the following: (Ѻ)

I believe in God, the father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.”

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The following is the film rendition of what Hypatia, the only known female universal genius, would seemingly have said during the period when all royals and officials had to publicly state belief in Christianity or be stoned:

I believe in philosophy.”
Hypatia (415), reply during inquisition as to whether she believed in Christianity; as portrayed in the 2010 film Agora

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In 1577, Alvise Capuano was convicted of atheism; the following is his creed expressed to the inquisition during the trial:

“I am an atheist. I do not believe god exists, or indeed, any supernatural being. I believe that the world was created by chance. I believe that when the body dies the soul dies also. I believe that Christ was the adopted son of the Madonna, born as other men are. I believe that angels and demons do not exist. I believe that there are no true witches; that witchcraft arises from melancholic humors. I believe that the world has neither beginning nor end. I believe that Christ’s miracles were not true miracles but natural acts. I believe that the only law that must be obeyed is the law of nature.”


In 1795, English-born American Thomas Paine, spurred by the religious revolution in France (1793), penned his The Age of Reason, one of the first so-called Atheist’s Bibles, in which he opened to three statements of belief, namely: belief in one god, belief in the equality of man, and belief that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow creatures happy. He then went onto point out the things he did not believe; firstly: [8]

“I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.”

This might well mark a transition to atheism types by denial and belief in so-called brands of proto-atheism and atheism.

Henry Adams (1858) sAdams’ creed
See main: Adams creed
In 1863, American thinker Henry Adams (SN:2), writing to his intellectual friend Charles Gaskell, outlined his views on he intuited a universal theory of existence, applicable, in a one nature manner, atoms to humans: [1]

“Everything in this universe has its regular waves and tides. Electricity, sound, the wind, and I believe every part of organic nature will be brought someday within this law. The laws which govern animated beings will be ultimately found to be at bottom the same with those which rule inanimate nature, and as I entertain a profound conviction of the littleness of our kind, and of the curious enormity of creation, I am quite ready to receive with pleasure any basis for a systematic conception of it all. I look for regular tides in the affairs of man, and, of course, in our own affairs. In ever progression, somehow or other, the nations move by the same process which has never been explained but is evident in the oceans and the air. On this theory I should expect at about this time, a turn which would carry us backward.”

Adams's wasn't to note, it seems, and out and out atheist, but rather his work was "atheism implicit".
Bertrand Russell ns
Russell | Godless-version
In 1925, British mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell gave his semi-creed like noted "I believe" statement by:

I believe that when I die I shall rot, and nothing of my ego will survive.”
Bertrand Russell (1925), “What I Believe” (Ѻ); quoted in Richard Dawkins’ 2006 The God Delusion (pg. 354)

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Jonath's grandmother | Jewish atheist's creed
In circa 1947, the atheist Jewish grandmother of American materials scientist engineer Arthur Jonath, as told to him when at aged 12-16 he queried his grandmother about what, as an atheist, she believed in, stated the following creed: [5]

I believe in oxygen, without it you die; I believe in the sun; without it you die.”

This response acted as a trigger that sent Jonath on a search in the decades to follow for the “prime mover”, as he says, e.g. by studying comparative religions, via Huston Smith, comparing eastern vs western religions, and thereafter coming to grasp, at the basic level, the idea of entropy and the inevitability of its increase, and therein “replaced the concept of a god with the concept of entropy” as he reflected in 2009 retrospect.

The following is Isaac Asimov's creed, stated the year after (Ѻ) he came out as an atheist:

I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe in any ‘thing’, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous some thing is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.”
Isaac Asimov (1983), The Roving Mind (Ѻ)(Ѻ)
Steve Turner
Turner’s creed
In 1993, English poet and music journalist Steve Turner (Ѻ) penned a seeming moral relativism creed, oft-cited by a number of people, including Ravi Zacharias (2013) (Ѻ) who uses it as an example of what the generic Marx-Freud-Darwin atheist believes: (Ѻ)

We believe in Marx, Freud and Darwin.
We believe everything is OK
as long as you don't hurt anyone,
to the best of your definition of hurt,
and to the best of your knowledge.

We believe in sex before during
and after marriage.
We believe in the therapy of sin.
We believe that adultery is fun.
We believe that sὀdomy's OK
We believe that taboos are taboo.

We believe that everything's getting better
despite evidence to the contrary.
The evidence must be investigated.
You can prove anything with evidence.

We believe there's something in horoscopes,
UFO's and bent spoons;
Jesus was a good man just like Buddha
Mohammed and ourselves.
He was a good moral teacher although we think
his good morals were bad.

We believe that all religions are basically the same,
at least the one that we read was.
They all believe in love and goodness.
They only differ on matters of
creation sin heaven hell God and salvation.

We believe that after death comes The Nothing
because when you ask the dead what happens
they say Nothing.
If death is not the end, if the dead have lied,
then it's compulsory heaven for all
excepting perhaps Hitler, Stalin and Genghis Khan.

We believe in Masters and Johnson.
What's selected is average.
What's average is normal.
What's normal is good.

We believe in total disarmament.
We believe there are direct links between
warfare and bloodshed.
Americans should beat their guns into tractors
and the Russians would be sure to follow.

We believe that man is essentially good.
It's only his behavior that lets him down.
This is the fault of society.
Society is the fault of conditions.
Conditions are the fault of society.

We believe that each man must find the truth
that is right for him.
Reality will adapt accordingly.
The universe will readjust. History will alter.
We believe that there is no absolute truth
excepting the truth that there is no absolute truth.

We believe in the rejection of creeds.

Later he added the following "chance" post-script: (Ѻ)(Ѻ)

If chance be the father of all flesh,
disaster is his rainbow in the sky,
and when you hear

State of emergency!
Sniper kills ten!
Troops on rampage!
Whites go looting!
Bomb blasts school!

It is but the sound of man worshiping his maker.

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Peter MyersMyers | Atheist’s creed
In 2008, American biologist and science blogger Paul Myers (1957-) posted the following two-point "I believe" stylized atheist creed, posted in reaction to a nihilism artistic conceptualization of an atheist believing in nothing:

I believe in time, matter, and energy, which make up the whole of the world.

I believe in reason, evidence and the human mind, the only tools we have; they are the product of natural forces in a majestic but impersonal universe, grander and richer than we can imagine, a source of endless opportunities for discovery.

I believe in the power of doubt; I do not seek out reassurances, but embrace the question, and strive to challenge my own beliefs.

I accept human mortality. We have but one life, brief and full of struggle, leavened with love and community, learning and exploration, beauty and the creation of new life, new art, and new ideas. I rejoice in this life that I have, and in the grandeur of a world that preceded me, and an earth that will abide without me.”
— Peter Myers (2008), “a short, simple creed for the godless” [1]

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The Atheist's Creed (2010)
English religion-atheism philosopher Michael Palmer’s The Atheist’s Creed (2010), which opens to his declaration of six “beliefs”, which he declares (shown adjacent), which make up his godless creed. [2]

Palmer | Atheist’s creed
In 2010, English religion-atheism philosopher Michael Palmer (1945-), in the opening page of 2010 The Atheist's Creed, stated the following is a six-point "I believe" stylized atheist creed, which, supposedly, as attracted considerable publicity: [2]

I believe that the cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be.

I believe that no other reality, divine or otherwise, exists. There is no life after death, no meaning to life apart from life, and no events or experiences, individuals or scriptures by which any supra-natural reality can be revealed. The cosmos forms the boundary of our experience.

I believe that human life has no meaning apart from itself: that while there is purpose in life, there is no purpose to life. There is no ultimate justice, no final act of grace and no salvation. This is not a providential universe.

I believe that not everything is permissible. For while that which increases happiness is not always a good, that which increases misery is always an evil.

I believe that by the deployment of human reason and the acquisition of knowledge, by the development of moral law and the cultivation of compassion, the suffering of humanity can be alleviated and the condition of our lives improved.

I believe that the path to individual and collective happiness lies in being educated to reality, and in being thus released from the irresponsible and pernicious illusion of religion, for which there is neither evidence nor need.”
— Michael Palmer (2010), The Atheist’s Creed [2]

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Zerotheism (definition)
Thims' 2015 version of the basic creed every free-thinking kid should know, as taught during the "Zerotheism for Kids" lecture, introduced a basic bare-boned 3-point set of beliefs creed to the children, in the form of the three tenets of zerotheism. [7]
Thims | Atheist creeds
In 2012, American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, known as an "extreme atheist" (Sekhar, 2011) and or "strong atheist" (Bossens, 2013), founder of the 2014-launched Atheism Reviews YouTube channel, began penning, on his personal notes page, reflective attempts at "belief statements"; some of which in chronological working draft development are listed below:

“Not only do I not believe in the principle of the afterlife, but also do not believe in the principle of life.”
— Libb Thims (2012), personal note, written in black pen on printing paper (a synopsis statement of the defunct theory of life position), Sep 24

“I believe in thermodynamics and the periodic table; and not much else.”
— Libb Thims (2013), personal note from practice statement on slide 8 of UPESW talk, Jun 24

I believe in fermions, bosons, and vacuum. Much theory must be jettisoned, and great terminology reform is in order, if this view is to be successfully carried through into the expunging of the humanities. One must, however, remember not to throw out the baby with the bath water.”
— Libb Thims (2014), mental note arisen while running on treadmill, documented @ 10:02 PM CST Jul 20

“I only believe in that which is measurable, everything else is but speculation.”
— Libb Thims (2014), mental reflection note on the start of the new Atheism Reviews channel 10:24 CST Nov 15

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William Jensen nsJensen
In 2014, American chemistry historian William Jensen, and atheist [DN=7], stated the following creed: [4]

1.I believe that the evidence, whether physical, historical, or anecdotal, for the existence of a supernatural realm is either lacking or woefully flawed, where the label “supernatural realm” encompasses both supernatural entities (from gods to human souls) and supernatural powers (from telepathy to good luck charms). In the absence of any proper evidence, the only rational conclusion is that such entities and powers do not exist but are rather the products of wishful thinking and the human imagination.

2. I believe that the physical universe is indifferent to the existence of the human race and can just as easily extinguish it as sustain it, especially if we fail to heed the limitations set by the physical laws discovered by science.

3. All of this means that the human race is on its own and cannot hope for a supernatural bailout from its collective woes nor for redress of individual woes in an imaginary life after death. We have but one life to live and the quality of that life – be it our physical and mental wellbeing, our sense of purpose, our ethics, etc. – are all dependent on our interactions with our fellow human beings.

4. I believe that the most serious problem facing the human race is the problem of overpopulation. This is the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. Virtually all of our collective woes, from pollution, depletion of resources, and global warming to the increasing extinction of wildlife, crime, and the origins of many wars and ethnic conflicts are ultimately traceable to the ever present pressures of unchecked population growth. It is, in the words of Thomas Huxley, the real “Riddle of the Sphinx” and, unless we collectively solve it, human civilization, and possibly the very existence of the human race itself, is doomed to ultimate extinction.

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Atheist’s creed | Christian views
In 2008, American theologian John Haught, God and the New Atheism (2008), gave seven summary statements as his conceptualization of the "vision of reality" held in the mind of the so-called “new atheists”, such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, which—according to theistic scientist Michael Bunner (2013)—are representative of the embodiment of the atheist’s creed, or seven tenets of scientific naturalism, as Christian's see things: [3]

1. Apart from nature, which includes human beings and cultural creations, there is nothing. There is no God, no soul, and no life beyond death.
2. Nature is self-organizing, not the creation of God.
3. The universe has no overall purpose, although individual human lives can be lived purposely.
4. Since God does not exist, all explanations, all causes are purely neutral and can be understood only by science.
5. All the various features of living beings, including human intelligence and behavior, can be explained ultimately in purely natural terms, and today this usually means in evolutionary, specifically Darwinian terms.
6. Faith in God is the cause of innumerable evils and should be rejected on moral grounds.
7. Morality does not require belief in God, and people behave better without faith than with it.

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The following are other creed-like statements by atheists:

“I am an atheist. I do not believe in prayers. I believe in work. And my work is that of an author. My pen is my weapon.”
Taslima Nasrin (2002), homepage quote (see: atheist's creed)

I believe that when I die will cease to be. I will no longer exist in any way. I will be as I was before I was born, which is to say, completely non-existent.”
— T.J. Kinclaid (2013). “Atheism and Death” (Ѻ)

The following are related quotes:

“The very pith of the Atheist’s Creed is contained in once sentence, which consists of only two words. Or, like every other creed, it is a negative throughout. ‘No God!’”
— W.T. Marris (1883), “Sermon”, at Grosvenor Street Wesleyan Chapel (Ѻ)

I believe [in] energy. You have sex, there’s friction … that’s heat. Then a baby shoots out. It’s all energy. The sun's a giant orgasm. Like if you see a hot girl ... and she's soo hot, you can't even touch that sh*t. You're like daaammn! ”
Patrick Fergus (2014), when queried on Easter (Apr 20) about what—as an atheist—he believes in?

1. (a) Myers, Paul Z. (2008). “Actually, it’s theists who believe in nothing, quite fervently” (Ѻ) (Ѻ), Pharyngula,, Mar 7.
(b) PZ Myers – Wikipedia.
2. (a) Palmer, Michael. (2010). The Atheist’s Creed (Ѻ) (Ѻ). Publisher.
(b) Michael Palmer (philosopher) – Wikipedia.
3. (a) Haught, John F. (2008). God and the New Atheism: a Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens (pg. xiii-xiv). WJK.
(b) Stenger, Victor. (2009). The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason (scientific naturalism, pg. 160). Prometheus Books.
(c) Bunner, Michael. (2013). God, Science, and Reason: Finding the Light of God Amidst the Darkness of (pgs. 139-40). Tate Publishing.
4. Email communication from William Jensen to Libb Thims (15 Oct 2014).
5. Jonath, Arthur. (2009). “Isomorphism, Entropy and God” (V), YouTube (channel: aJonath), Jun 29.
6. (a) Adams, Henry. (1863). “Letter to Charles Gaskell”, Oct.
(b) Adams, Henry. (1982). The Letters of Henry Adams, Volume 1: 1858-1868 (editor: Jacob Levenson) (pgs. 395-96). Harvard University Press.
(c) Stevenson, Elizabeth. (1997). Henry Adams: a Biography (pg. 69). Transaction Publishers.
(d) Taylor, Matthew A. (2008). Universes Without Selves: Cosmologies of the Non-Human in American Literature (pg. 108), PhD dissertation, Johns Hopkins University. ProQuest, 2009.
7. Thims, Libb. (2015). “Zerotheism for Kids” (co-host: Thor) (main), 14-part [4:41-hr] lecture playlist (Ѻ), 5-intro sides (Ѻ), 56-main sides (Ѻ), 11AM-3PM, Chicago, recorded: Aug 10; published: Sep 7.
8. Paine, Thomas. (1795). The Age of Reason (editor: Moncure Conway) (pg. 22) (txt). Merchant Books, 1896.

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