In existographies, Boethius (c.480-524AD) (IQ:175|#223) (Time 100:23) (Eells 100:96) (CR:10) was a Roman philosopher, mathematician, and senator, noted for []
In 523, Boethius, in his The Consolation of Philosophy – penned while in prison awaiting execution per charges of treason – following discussion of Epicurus, stoics, Anaxagoras, Socrates, and Zeno, concludes, supposedly, that, “there was an intelligence to the universe, that which was once called fate, and that now we understand it to be a universal force”, or something to the effect, a summarized by Jennifer Hecht (2004). [1]
Boethius was influenced, to some extent, by Macrobius.
Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Boethius:
“The complaint that good men suffer, and that evil men prosper, is a theme that preoccupies Augustine in the City of God, and Boethius in The Consolation of Philosophy.”
— Patrick Walsh (1997), commentary on the Epicureans [2]
Quotes | By
The following are noted quotes:
“Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.”
— Boethius (c.520) (Ѻ)
“If there is a god, whence proceed so many evils? If there is no god, whence cometh any good?”
— Boethius (c.520) (Ѻ)
1. (a) Boethius. (523). The Consolation of Philosophy (force, 16+ pgs). Elliot Stock, 1897.
(b) Hecht, Jennifer M. (2003). Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas (pgs. 203-04). HarperOne.
(c) The Consolation of Philosophy – Wikipedia.
2. Cicero. (45BC). The Nature of the Gods (Introduction, translation, and notes: Patrick Walsh) (pg. 211). Oxford University Press, 1998.
External links
● Boethius – Wikipedia.