In existographies, Charles King (1818-1888) was an English writer, Plutarch translator, and religio-mythology scholar, noted for []
In 1864, King, in his Gnostics and their Remains, as cited by Wallis Budge (1904), is said to have done some interesting work on some of the “alleged connections of Anubis with Christ in the Gnostic system”. [1]
Quotes | On
The following are quotes on King:
“The story of Abraham is a myth. Abraham himself is a myth. It was usual with the Old Arabians to regard Saturn and Abram as their progenitor, and while looking upon Saturn as their father ... He was a child named Ab-ram, and this name is later changed to Ab-ra-ham. Charles King in his work, The Gnostics, states that the words "brahma" and "abrahrn" have the same numerical value. When we run this ‘allegory’ down, we discover that Abram (Abraham) is just another myth of the sun.”— Hilton Hotema (1963), The Secret Regeneration [2]