Charles LebrunIn existographies, Charles Lebrun (1753-1835), aka “Pigault-Lebrun” or “Pigault” (Ѻ), was French playwright and novelist noted for []

In 1803, Lebrun published his two-volume Doubs of Infidels, a collection of quotations against Christianity, which was forbidden, and or banned, yet reprinted several times. [1] Lebrun, in this work, as cited by Dorothy Murdock (2009), argued the following: [2]

“The history of Moses is copied from the history of Bacchus, who was called Mises by the Egyptians, instead of Moses. Bacchus was born in Egypt; so was Moses... Bacchus passed through the Red Sea on dry ground; so did Moses. Bacchus was a lawgiver; so was Moses. Bacchus was picked up in a box that floated on the water; so was Moses.... Bacchus by striking a rock made wine gush forth... Bacchus was Egypt, Phenicia, Syria, Arabia, Asia and Greece, before Abraham‘s day.”

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1. Pigault, Charles. (1803). An Eye Opener. Quotes of Pigault (Citateur, Par Pigault). Doubts of Infidels. Embodying thirty Important Questions to the Clergy; Also, Forty Close Questions to the Doctors of Divinity (abs). Boston William White and Co., 1871.
2. (a) Lebrun, Charles. (1803). Doubts of Infidels. Publisher.
(b) Murdock, Dorothy M (aka Acharya S). (2009). The Gospel According to Acharya S (Moses, pg. 72). Seattle: Stellar House Publishing.
(c) Murdock, Dorothy M. (aka Acharya S.) (c. 2010). “Zeitgeist: the Movie: Companion Source Guide” (pg. 79),

External links
Charles-Antoine-Guillaume Pigault-Lebrun – Wikipedia.

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