Charles Guye nsIn hmolscience, Charles Eugene Guye (1866-1942), cited as C.E. Guye, was a Swiss physicist noted, in chnopsological thermodynamics, for his 1922 book Physical Chemical Evolution, supposedly a physical chemistry attempt at explaining evolution, in which he asked the question: how is it possible to understand life, when the whole world is ruled by the second law of thermodynamics, which points towards death and annihilation? [1]

In American physical chemist Gilbert Lewis' 1925 lecture-chapter lecture six "Probability and Entropy", in his The Anatomy of Science, he states his figure 24 (shown below), as well as many of the references of that chapter, stem or rather are indebted to Guye's Physical Chemical Evolution, which shows black and white balls in tubes, which he says explain the rules of change arrangements in relation to the second law. [2]

Lewis figure 24

French-born American physicist Leon Brillouin cites Guye in his 1949 article "Life, Thermodynamics, and Cybernetics". [3]

1. (a) Guye, C. E. (1922). L’evolution Physico-Chimique. Paris: E. Chiron.
(b) Guye, Charles E. (1925). Physico-Chemical Evolution (translator: J.R. Clarke). Methuen & Co.
2. Lewis, Gilbert N. (1925). The Anatomy of Science, Silliman Lectures; Yale University Press, 1926.
3. Brillouin, Leon. (1949). “Life, Thermodynamics, and Cybernetics”, American Scientist, Vol. 37, pgs. 554-68.

External links
Charles-Eugene Guye (Swiss → English) – Wikipedia.
Charles-Eugene Guye –

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