Bird in vacuum (1660)
A 1768 rendition of English physicist and chemist Robert Boyle’s circa 1660 bird in vacuum experiments, by English artist Joseph Wright, somewhat incorrectly entitled “An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump” (incorrect on the fact that the bird as depicted is in a vacuum bulb, and not in the air pump); a noted thermodynamics anecdote: the odd experiment done so to test and hence disprove English scientist Thomas Hobbes' "wind theory of cold". [2]
In science, cold, as contrasted with “hot” (i.e. hot body), refers to a description a body (i.e. cold body), or system, whose internal parts have a lower state of “motion” (Bacon, 1620), gauged, via zeroth law, by a third body, the thermometer, which discerns the relative state of motion, or temperature; which decreases to a minimum at absolute zero, according to the third law. [1]

In the 18th century, Robert Boyle did some of the first experimental work on the so-called "power of the cold", e.g. by measuring the weight required to hold a cork in a bottle as the liquid in it froze and expanded during the night.

The descriptor “cold” is rooted in the framework of the zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Human thermodynamics
French political theorist Charles Montesquieu, in his 1748 The Spirit of the Laws, discussed differences in behaviors of people in hot vs. cold climates. Camille Flammarion wrote about the apocalyptic vision often called "heat death", but also in the sense of average temperature becoming very low, also used the expression "cold death".

French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss theorized on the nature of hot societies and cold societies.

Thermal music
See main: Music chemistry; Music thermodynamic
The following are pop culture examples of the thermal word “cold” used in telling descriptions of emotional states:

Lyric: “You see, I haven’t been the same since that cold November day.”
Song: “Where do Broken Hearts Go” (1988), Whitney Houston.

Lyrics: “Nothing lasts forever,
and we both know hearts can change;
and it’s hard to hold a candle
in the cold November rain.”
Song: November Rain (1992), Guns N’ Roses

Lyrics: “From this dark, cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you feel
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie”
Song: Angel (1997), Sarah McLachlan

Lyrics” “It’s cold outside but between us it’s worse in here.”
Song: I hate this part (2008), Pu**Y Cat Dolls

It is difficult to say, of the above, whether they are depictions of aspects of human endergonic reactions or possibly human endothermic reactions?

The following are related quotes:

“The cold has philosophical value of reminding men that the universe does not love us. Cold as absolute as black tomb rules space; sunshine is a local condition, and the moon hangs in the sky to illustrate that matter is usually inanimate.”
— John Updike (date) [1]

“It will be a cold day in hell before I sleep with you.”
— Theresa Banyan (c.1990), comment to freshman Mick White

See also
Absolute zero

1. (a) Bacon, Francis. (1620). New Instrument of Science (Novum Organum Scientiarum (§:First Vintage Concerning the Form of Heat), in: The Works of Francis Bacon (pg. 149-). Publisher.
(b) Novum Organum – Wikipedia.
2. Shachtman, Tom. (1999). Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold (pg. 31-34). Mariner Books.

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