Through comparative mythology it can be shown that the Egyptian myth of the birth of the sun (Ra) out of the land mound (Nun) following a great flood (annual 150-day Nile River), a model that came to be known as Anunian theology (Ra theology), forms the backbone to 73 percent of modern religions (Ab-ra-ham-ic / B-ra-hma-ic faiths), and hence the historical origins to modern man's ideas about God, soul (negative confession), spirit, the creation of humans (creationism) (creation from clay), and most importantly belief in the theory of "life" and "death", concepts that do not exist in the framework of modern physics and chemistry. |
“The theological dependency of Christendom on ancient Egypt is much stronger than its theological link with the Hebrew tradition.”— Karl Luckert (1991), Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire [18]
“The prominence in the texts of Asclepius, a thinly-disguised Imhotep, suggest an association with Heliopolis ... Although even the Pyramid Texts fail to set out the beliefs of Heliopolis systematically, why should we expect them to? After all, the people who mattered—the priests and worshipers—were already familiar with their own religion. The Texts do, however, allow the core theology and cosmology behind them to be reconstructed. The most successful attempt is found in Karl Luckert’s Egyptian Light and Hebrew Fire (1991), which isolates two related aspects: the overall understanding in the origins and nature of the cosmos, and its relationship to human beings.”— Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince (2013), The Forbidden Universe: the Occult Origins of Science [19]
An example of comparing myths: top the Christian theory of angels; bottom the Egyptian theory of birds carrying the sun in the sky in its daily journey. [5] |
“To what person of intelligence, I ask, will the account seem logically consistent that says there was a “first day” and a “second” and “third,” in which also “evening” and “morning” are named, without a sun, without a moon, and without stars, and even in the case of the first day without a heaven (Gen. 1:5-13)? …. Surely, I think no one doubts that these statements are made by Scripture in the form of a type by which they point toward certain mysteries.”
“The history of Moses is copied from the history of Bacchus, who was called Mises by the Egyptians, instead of Moses. Bacchus was born in Egypt; so was Moses... Bacchus passed through the Red Sea on dry ground; so did Moses. Bacchus was a lawgiver; so was Moses. Bacchus was picked up in a box that floated on the water; so was Moses.... Bacchus by striking a rock made wine gush forth... Bacchus was Egypt, Phenicia, Syria, Arabia, Asia and Greece, before Abraham‘s day.”
The Egyptian god Ammut standing over the lake of fire (hell) awaiting to devour the ba (soul) of the deceased if it is found too heavy during the weighting of the soul process. [17] |
See main: Rosetta stoneIn 1799, during a French expedition to Egypt, the famous tri-lingual inscribed Rosetta stone was discovered which aroused widespread public interest with its potential to decipher the hitherto untranslated Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language.
“It takes the latter half of all of one’s lifetime to unlearn the falsehood that was instilled into us during the earlier half. Generation after generation we learn, unlearn, and re-learn the same lying legendary lore. Henceforth, our studies must begin from the evolutionist standpoint in order that they mat not have to be gone over again.”
A depiction of the transformation of the Egyptian sun birth theory into the story of Noah and the ark. |
See main: Abraham and BrahmaIn 2004, American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims, after reading through the work of Gary Greenberg (among other works), independently arrived at the conclusion that the Abraham/Brahma theologies (Ab-ra-ham-ic faiths / B-ra-hma-ic faiths) are re-writes of the older Egyptian "Ra born of Nun" origin of the universe model/theologies, as hidden in their respective stories and name etymologies. [6]
(a) Both Abraham and Brahma are the said-to-be creators all humans (Ra is the main creator god of the Egyptian pantheon).
(b) Both Abraham and Brahma have the same etymology: “Father Ra son of Nun” (water-fire-earth theory).
(c) Both Abraham and Brahma derived from the Nun (Noah and Ma-Nu, respectively).
(d) Both Abraham and Brahma have the same sister-wife, in namesake, Sarai and Saraswati, respectively.
(e) Both Abraham and Brahma have the same thrice sister-wife parable (creation by incest rewrite).
(f) The slaying of son reoccurs in both cases (release of the soul rewrite / Osiris-Horus splitting rewrite).
“Abram is but the Hindu Brama, with a as prefix instead of suffix; and Brama was the original name of the Hindu creator. Later the letter h was added, thus making it Brahma. The letter h signifies life, and thus did Brama, Abram, and Sarai in due time receive life, or being, which implies that in the beginning they did not have it.”
A snapshot of the how the Egyptian model of the resurrection of Osiris was re-written, in Christianity, into the resurrection of Jesus, and, in Hinduism, in to the reincarnation of Buddha. [1] |
A solar corona "crown of thorns" depiction, aka halo, from American mythologist Jordan Maxwell's 2000 chapter "The Solar Cult". [5] |
● Comparative mythology – Wikipedia. ● Jesus Christ in comparative mythology – Wikipedia. ● Christian mythology – Wikipedia. | ● Islamic mythology – Wikipedia. ● Hindu mythology – Wikipedia. ● Jewish mythology – Wikipedia. | ● Religion and mythology – Wikipedia. ● Wife-sister narratives in Genesis – Wikipedia. |