Crosbie Smith nsIn existographies, Crosbie Wimperis Smith (c.1950-) is an English thermodynamics historian, noted for []

Political thermodynamics
In 1986, Smith, together with physics historian Norton Wise (1940-) (Ѻ), in their “Measurement, Work, and Industry in Lord Kelvin’s Britain”, supposedly (Ѻ), thermodynamics and political metaphors (see: political thermodynamics), in the view of William Thomson’s ideologies. [3]

In 1989 and 1990, Smith and Wise, in their three-part “Measurement, Work, and Industry in Lord Kelvin’s Britain” article, supposedly (Ѻ), elaborated on more political thermodynamics metaphors. [4]

In 1989, Smith, in his Energy and Empire, followed up by his 1998 book The Science of Energy, gave particular historical coverage of Scottish physicist William Thomson. [1]

Smith studied history and philosophy of science at Clare College, Cambridge. Smith completed his PhD in 1975, with a dissertation on “Natural Philosophy and Thermo-dynamics: Patterns of Thought in Mid-nineteenth Century Physics”, focused on the history of Victorian steam power, at the University of Cambridge. [2]

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Smith:

“#histtech, can you help me out? I cannot for the life of me remember who wrote the classic article on steam engines and thermodynamics as political metaphors. Help?”
— Audra Wolfe (2019), “Tweet via @ColdWarScience” (Ѻ), Mar 27

See also
David Lindley
Tom Shachtman
Stephen Brush

1. (a) Smith, Crosbie and Wise, Norton. (1989). Energy and Empire: a Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin. Cambridge University Press.
(b) Smith, Crosbie. (1998). The Science of Energy: A Cultural History of Energy Physics in Victorian Britain. University of Chicago Press.
2. Crosbie, Smith W. (1975). “Natural Philosophy and Thermo-dynamics: Patterns of Thought in Mid-nineteenth Century Physics”, PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
3. Wise, M. Norton and Smith, Crosbie. (1986). “Measurement, Work, and Industry in Lord Kelvin’s Britain” (JST), Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 17:147-73.
4. Wise, M. Norton and Smith, Crosbie. (1989-90). “Work and Waste: Political Economy and Natural Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century Britain”, History of Science, 27:263-301; 27:391-449; 28:221-61.

External links
Crosbie Smith (faculty) – University of Kent, England.
Smith, Crosbie – WorldCat Identities.

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