Daniel Schroeder nsIn animate thermodynamics, Daniel Schroeder (c.1962-) is an American high-energy physicist noted for []

In 2000, Schroeder, in his An Introduction to Thermal Physics, included a diagram that explains the “creation” of a rabbit (or human) in chemical thermodynamic terms, namely that: [1]

“To create a rabbit [or human] out of nothing and place it on the table, the magician need not summon up the entire enthalpy, H = U + PV. Some energy, equal to TS, can flow in spontaneously as heat; the magician must provide only the difference, G = H – TS, as work.”

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Schroeder completed his BS (in physics?) at Carleton College in 1984, his PhD at Stanford University, with the 1990 dissertation “Beamstrahlung and QED backgrounds at future linear colliders”, done at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, after which he then taught physics at Pomona College, Grinnell College, and since 1993 has been a physics professor at Weber State University, Utah.
Original version (by Karen Thurber)Hmolpedia version (by Libb Thims)
Create a rabbit (free energy diagram)Human free energy (diagram)
The thermodynamic magician creating a rabbit diagram (Figure 5.1) (above left) and remade Hmolpedia version (above right) by American artist Karen E. Thurber, as found in Schroeder's 2000 Thermal Physics.

See also
Human free energy
Affinity table

1. Schroeder, Daniel V. (2000). An Introduction to Thermal Physics (magician diagram, pg. 150; one rabbit, two rabbit diagram, pg. 163). Addison Wesley Longman.

External links
Schroeder, Daniel V. – WorldCat Identities.
Daniel V. Schroeder (faculty) – Weber State University.

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