photo neededIn religious thermodynamics, David Blythe Foster (c.1919-) is an English scientist noted for his 1985 book The Philosophical Scientists, wherein he outlines a rather convoluted existence of god theory in which he employs a concept he calls "specificity" (improbability) along with cybernetics to argue that something called "logos", that which is behind DNA, "circumnavigates the second law" (compare: genopsych), and that universe was brought into existence by the void of god's mental space as justified by German-born American Albert Einstein's concept of matter-tensor, among other contrived ideas, all to argue against the blind random chance mutation interpretation of Darwinism.

Foster also utilizes a contrived type of statistical mechanics, e.g. arguing for the existence of zero entropy. [1]

Foster attempts to reconcile twentieth century science with theistic mathematical certitude, linking and taking as a new base of statistical thermodynamics and quantum physics of Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and Wolfgang Pauli, utilizing common scientific thesis that a non specialist can comfortably conceive.

Foster's treatment, starts historically with some of the finest last mid century philosophic scientists including Arthur Eddington, James Jeans, and Alfred Whitehead, and attempts to employ statistical thermodynamics discussions to debase Charles Darwin 'thesis' on the origin of the species. Foster, for instance, uses Thomas Huxley’s typing monkeys second law analogy, and argues for a theory of specificity (for improbability) to explain humans as something opposite to entropy, or something to this effect.

Foster, supposedly, attempts to bring the “mechanistic entropic schools of thought” into harmony with relativity, quantum physics, and the uncertainty principle.

In 2000, American Greco-Roman historian Richard Carrier critiqued some of this thermodynamic propositions. [2]

Foster completed MS and PhD, in what seems to be synthetic biology or possibly engineering (as evidenced by his 1963 book Modern Automation), both at King's College London. In 1985, Foster was retired from a career as a scientific consultant.

1. Foster, David. (1985). The Philosophical Scientists (thermodynamics, 14+ pgs). C. Hurst.
2. Carrier, Richard. (2000). “Why Foster Needs to Take a Basic Thermodynamics Course” (Addendum E: Zero Entropy),

Further reading
● Foster, David. (1975). Intelligent Universe: a Cybernetic Philosophy (thermodynamics, 6+ pgs). Putnam.

External links
Foster, David Blythe – WorldCat Identities.

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