DeRobigne BennettIn existographies, DeRobigne Bennett (1818-1882) (FA:137) (RMS:73) (CR:5), aka D.M. Bennett, was an American radical publisher, noted for his 1873 founding of The Truth Seeker, the leading organ of the American atheism in the late 19th century.

In 1873, he started the newspaper Truth Seeker, with the masthead: "Devoted to: science, morals, free thought, free discussions, liberalism, sexual equality, labor reform, progression, free education and whatever tends to elevate and emancipate the human race; Opposed to: priestcraft, ecclesiasticism, dogmas, creeds, false theology, superstition, bigotry, ignorance, monopolies, aristocracies, privileged classes, tyranny, oppression, and everything that degrades or burdens mankind mentally or physically", which in the 1880s was the world’s largest and best freethought journal, and was the organ of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism (Le Beau, 2003), and in which are found interesting silent historians problem quotes by Celsus (c.175AD). [1]

Quotes | By
The following are quotes by Bennett:

“Whether Abraham is a myth or a real personage [see: Abraham never existed] can probably never be known. Without Abraham, no Jews, no Jesus, no Christianity, and no salvation for the world. But some have asserted that Brahma and Abraham are alike corruptions [see: Abraham and Brahma] of Abba Rama, or Abrama, and that Sarah is identical with Saravasti, thus showing a Hindoo origin for the man and woman standing at the head of all the Jews. If Abraham is a myth—and the chances that he is are at least equal to the belief that there was such a man—then the story about Isaac, Jacob, his twelve sons, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Samson, Job, Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon, etc., is also mythical.”
— DeRobigne Bennett (1881), The Gods and Religions of Ancient and Modern Times (pg. 481) [2]

1. Bennett, DeRobigne (1876). The World’s Sages, Thinkers and Reformers: Biographical Sketches of Leading Philosophers, Teachers, Skeptics, etc. (Celsus, pg. 291). Truth Seeker Company.
2. Bennett, DeRobigne. (1881). The Gods and Religions of Ancient and Modern Times (pg. 481). Publisher.

External links
D.M. Bennett – Wikipedia.

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