A 2012 Wordle scramble representation of terms, by Uwe Meierhenrich, surrounding the ongoing definitions of life debate. [7] |
The first categorical grouping is but a grouping of what is called the circular definition technique, plain and simple:
“What about other definitions of life? (Wordle scramble) Wikipedia, for example, posts that Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes from those which do not. The difficulty with this definition is that it refers to biological processes. Biology – as explained by Wikipedia – is defined as the study of life. Here we turn in a circle. This is elegant but not helpful.”— Uwe Meierhenrich (2012), “Life in its Uniqueness Remains Difficult to Define in Scientific Terms” [7]
A YouTube videoof the famous "Businessman's Special" riddle, aka the missing dollar bill puzzle, the punchline of which is that "there is NO missing dollar bill!", which is the about the same punchline to the what is life riddle, which is that "there is NO such thing as life!", it is a religio-mythology concept, not a term not recognized by physical science, explicitly stated in 1938 by English physiologist Charles Sherrington, because it is something that does not exist, as Serbian electrical engineer Nikola Tesla stated correctly in 1915 (see: defunct theory of life). |
“[The third option to unraveling the essence of life is] to sit down and think about what exactly is it that marks the difference between living [matter] and nonliving matter and come up with the definition of life. It is this latter path that is perhaps the most well trodden. It is also the one widely admitted to be a dead end.”
See also