A 2007 free will cartoon used in a theist blog (Ѻ) about William Craig (Ѻ) and the asserted formula:No Free Will = No Moral Responsibility (add discussion) |
See main: Science-connected legal cases ; See also: Slave stealing parableOne reason many hold fast to the notion of free will is that it not only underwrites the religious notion of "sin" and the theory of "judgment", as described in the Ra theology theory of the weighting of the soul (soul weight in the Ab-ra-ham-ic faiths or karma weight in the B-ra-hma-ic faiths), but also underwrites the legal system of most countries.
The "forced" input of a billions of photons (force carriers) causes the twenty-six-element human molecule to "move" into a straightened upright position; when the light is no longer present (e.g. nighttime), the human molecule reverts back to its bent position (e.g. curled in sleep). The "forced" input of a single photon (a force carrier) causes the three-element retinal molecule to "move" into a straightened position; when the light is no longer present, the retinal molecule reverts back to the bent position. |
The "ABC model" of free will: (A) retinal molecule in ground state (normal state); (B) light (or one or more photons) with a frequency of 400 to 700 nm absorbs into the the carbon atom (note: atom shown is actually beryllium) at the 11 position, thus causing (exchange force) an electron to jump up in orbital position (excited state); (C) the retinal molecule reacts to this by "moving" to the straightened position, a short-lived heightened energy configuration. [14] |
“Whatever concept one may hold, from a metaphysical point of view, concerning the freedom of will, certainly its appearances, which are human actions, like every other natural event are determined by universal laws.”
“A particle of matter cannot tell us that it is unconscious of the laws of attraction and repulsion and that the law is not true; but man, who is the subject of history, says bluntly: I am free, and am therefore not subject to laws.”
“Life is the expression of the interaction of two totally distinct things represented by probability and free will, thought the ultimate nature of these two things will probably remain, a thousand years hence, as far off as ever.”
“The laws governing the nature of human molecules, lie much deeper [as compared to systems of gas molecules], because unlike a molecule, a man has a free will, which make his actions unpredictable.”
“When dealing with human societies and humans with free will, thermodynamic law and formulae require a coefficient, which can be called a balancing coefficient and is less than 1 in unbalanced societies and more than 1 in societies governed by true religions and affections.”
“Our will, which is informed energy, is capable of deviating from the prescriptions of physical laws.”
“It would thus make no difference whether a quantum of mental energy inserts itself into the course of the material process or not: the law of the conservation of energy as formulated hitherto would not be impaired.”— Oswald Kulpe (c.1900), cited by Carl Jung [2
“This tentative extension of the forced movement or tropism theory of animal conduct may explain why higher animals and human beings seem to possess freedom of will, although all movements are of the nature of forced movements. The tropistic effects of memory images and the modification and inhibition of tropisms by memory images make the number of possible reactions so great that prediction becomes almost impossible and it is this impossibility chiefly which gives rise to the doctrine of free will. The theory of free will originated and is held not among physicists but among verbalists. We have shown that an organism goes where its legs carry it and that the direction of the motion is forced upon the organism.”— Jacques Loeb (1918), Forced Movements, Tropisms, and Animal Conduct (pg. 171)
“Our conception of the existence of ''free will'' in human beings rests on the fact that our knowledge is often not sufficiently complete to account for the orienting forces, especially when we carry out a "premeditated" act, or when we carry out an act which gives us pain or may lead to our destruction, and our incomplete knowledge is due to the sheer endless number of possible combinations and mutual inhibitions of the orienting effect of individual memory images.”— Jacques Loeb (1918), Forced Movements, Tropisms, and Animal Conduct (pg. 172)
“Scientists and philosophers realized long ago that free will could not be squared with our growing understanding of the physical world. Nevertheless, many still deny this fact.”— Sam Harris (2010), The Moral Landscape [13]
Left: Belgian surrealist artist Rene Magritte's 1933 oil on canvas painting entitled "Elective Affinities" based on the human chemical theory of German polymath Johann Goethe’s 1809 physical chemistry based novella Elective Affinities, according to which the “will” is largely determined by forces external (1796), and his general motto that: “none are so hopelessly enslaved than those who believe they are free” (P2:C5) Goethe’s protégé Arthur Schopenhauer’s stylized his own will to power theory, similar to the above. Right: a circa 2012 free will artwork, based on Margritte's painting, the idea that we are each hatched into a world caged by external forces. [15] |