In human chemistry, Gundula Sharman (c.1974-) is a Scottish German-literature scholar noted for her 1997 description of Goethe's Elective Affinities and its embedded human chemical theory as the "scientific model of human experience". [1]
In 1997, Sharman, in her conference symposium lecture “Elective Affinities with Ireland: John Banville’s The Newton Letter and Goethe’s Die Wahlverwandtschaften”, presented on the relation between the 1892 work of Irish writer John Banville (The Newton Letter) and German polymath Johann Goethe’s 1809 physical chemistry base masterpiece Elective Affinities (Die Wahlverwandtschaften), the latter of which contains both hidden and open to plane sight “principles”, about which Goethe famously defended in the street saying they were “true” and not immoral (Dec 1809), that, according to Sharman, is a subject that defines the “scientific model for human experience.” [1]
Sharman completed her PhD in 2000 at the University of Aberdeen on Twentieth-Century Reworkings of German Literature, which analyzes how selected canonic texts ranging from Goethe to Thomas Mann, were received by post-1945 writers, including Brecht, Wolfgang Koeppen, and the Irish novelist John Banville. [2] Building on that work, while presently a teaching fellow in the German department of the University of Aberdeen, she is currently focusing on intertextualities between Goethe's Werther and Bϋchner's Lenz.
See also
● Literature chemistry
1. Sharman, Gundula. (1997). “Elective Affinities with Ireland: John Banville’s The Newton Letter and Goethe’s Die Wahlverwandtschaften”, in: The Novel in Anglo-German Context: Cultural Cross Currents and Affinities: Papers from the Conference Held at the University of Leeds from 15 to 17 September 1997 (pgs. 369-84; image, pgs. 372-73) (edited by Susan Stark). Rodopi, 2000.
2. Sharman, Gundula. (2002). Twentieth-Century Reworkings of German Literature: an Analysis of Six Fictional reinterpretations from Goethe to Thomas Mann (§6: Constellation of Character: Goethe’s Die Wahlverwandtschaften; Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s The Chandos Letter; and John Banville’s The Newton Letter, pgs. 151-74). Camden House.
External links
● Gundula-Maria Sharman (faculty) – University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
● Sharman, Gundula – WorldCat Identities.