Gunpowder theory of life (1598)Gunpowder theory of life (1610)
Left: a circa 1598 of firework loaded monk and nun figures seemingly dancing on a turning wheel (when spun). [3] Right: a 1610 construction of a seated figure; supposedly ready to be loaded with fireworks, to depict animation. [4]
In life theories, gunpowder theory of life was a circa 17th century theory according to which life was conceived as being powered by something akin to the explosion of gunpowder occurring inside of animals and humans. [1]

The gunpowder theory of life was superseded by spark theory of life, following the discovery of animal electricity by Italian physicist-physician Luigi Galvani in circa 1771. [2]

See also
Animal heat

1. Brown, Guy C. (1999). The Energy of Life: the Science of What Makes our Minds and Bodies Work (gunpowder theory of life, pg. 221). Simon and Schuster.
2. Werrett, Simon. (2008/09). “Sparks of Life”, Cabinet Magazine Online, Winter.
3. From anonymous manuscript titled Feuerwerksbuch, Strasbourg, ca. 1598.
4. Nassau-Siegen, Johann I. von. (1610). Etliche schöne Tractaten von aller-/handt Feüerwercken und deren Künstlichen Zubereitung. Publisher.

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