This rule, however, is generally only true in comparing a gasstate (chaotic) to a liquid state (medium order) to a solid state (ordered) to one at absolute zero (perfect order).
In defining entropy values to different molecules, the procedure used involves assigning simple component atoms and molecules arbitrary (often zero value) measures of free energy and enthalpy, at their standard conditions, and using this basis to make thermodynamic tables of entropy and enthalpy values for different reactions, and using reaction algebra to assign entropy values to more complex structures. In an aside, the universe prior to the inception of the big bang is often theorized to have been in a low entropy state, about the size of a golf ball. [2]
References 1. (a) Penrose, Roger and Gardner, Martin. (1999). The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (409-12). Oxford University Press. (b) Davies, Paul and Gribbin, John. (2007). The Matter Myth: Dramatic Discoveries that Challenge our Understanding of Physical Reality (pg. 127). Simon and Schuster. 2. Greene, Brian. (2004). The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (pgs. 173-74). Random House. 3. Temporal problems solve all physics problems (2010) –