WikiFoundry.com, the wiki server host for Hmolpedia (via EoHT.info), as of mid 2020, is in the process of closing its doors. The following site content migration (Sep, 2020) is thus underway:

EoHT.info → [moving to] → Hmolpedia.com

MediaWiki.org, is in the process of becoming new wiki host for Hmolpedia (via Hmolpedia.com) with either redirects or file transfers to the former articles, or new articles (with external links, Internet Archive links, and or 2016 print set book or pdf links to former articles).

Aug 2020 | Version
(eoht.info), from hmol- "mol of humans" + -pedia "learning" (see: etymology), is an A to Z Encyclopedia of Human Thermodynamics, Human Chemistry, and Human Physics, generally, or human chemical thermodynamics, specifically, and connected subjects, such as: two-cultures namesakes, religio-mythology, explicit atheism, and queries, such as: “what's the go o' that?” (Maxwell, 1834), “what is the point of everything?” (Thims, 1987), or what is the paradigm change (Goethe, 1809) significance of the following human chemical reaction?

Charlotte=Edward [AB] + Captain [C]Arrow two-way (delta)Edward≡Captain [BC] + Charlotte [A]

Hmolpedia, in short, is a one nature / monism (e.g. socio-physical monism) focused, two cultures / dualism (e.g. Cartesian dualism) integrating, recondite, thermodynamics-based, modern Faustian-view (see: top 1000 geniuses), putting student Humpty Dumpties back together again, work-in-progress, online (and 10+ volume print set) prolegomenon niche-pedia (see: reviews) of 5,300+ articles, sung by: TweetsTwitter bird 21x17(Ѻ)(Ѻ)(Ѻ), RedditsReddit flavicon(Ѻ)(Ѻ)(Ѻ), videos YouTube 40x17(Ѻ)(Ѻ), Google Books (Ѻ) / Scholar (Ѻ) citations, poems (Ѻ), and interviews. [N1]

N1. (a) For more site overview | see archived homepage versions: May 2019, Nov 2016, and Jul 2013.
(b) For better searching | the Hmolpedia "search this cite" box only partially works; the best way to see if an article exists is to Google search with the keys “term” and “eoht.info”, e.g. “Tom Stoppard, eoht.info” yields this; alternatively, go to the A article, and replace the A with desired term (separated by the “+” sign if more than one word), e.g. this.