An artistic representation of “quantum life” (by Sean Rodwell), depicting the recent hypothesis that birds navigate in the earth’s magnetic field using quantum mechanical principles, for American physicist Michael Brooks 2011 New Scientist article “Quantum Life: the Weirdness inside Us”. [8] |
“A certain stability in the world order sub specie aeternitaltis can only exist through the interrelationship of each individual system with the rest of the world. The disconnected individual system would be, from the viewpoint of unity, chaos. The interrelationship is necessary as a continuous regulative factor, without which, with respect to energy considerations, the system would aimlessly wander about—is it idle speculation if one is reminded of this by a similarity in social, ethical, and cultural phenomena?”
“The state of a ‘friend’ is a linear combination of several states, indicating different contents of his mind, seems very unnatural. This leads me to the opinion that quantum mechanics, in its present form, is not applicable to living systems, whose consciousness is a decisive characteristic.”
“[Thims has] taken the abuse of the term entropy to an entirely new level, by suggesting that it—and, unbelievably, quantum mechanics—can be applied to 'interactions' in romantic human relationships.”
American new age philosopher Fred Wolf's 1984 Star Wave, supposedly, uses quantum mechanics to argue that electrical sparks breed life to photon-electron interactions, which explains the human mind, or something along these lines. [10] |
“The public understanding of modern physics is seriously out of whack, thanks largely to pop junk like The Secret (2006) and What the BLEEP Do We Know? (2004), [which] promote a bogus version of quantum mechanics – the belief that 'you create your own reality' by controlling the laws of physics with your mind.”