In existographies, Isaac Peyrere (1596-1676) (RMS:19) was French radical theologian noted for his 1655 pre-Adamite hypothesis (Ѻ) and for his non-Mosaic authorship conjecture.

La Peyrère was influenced by Thomas Hobbes.

La Peyrere influenced Benedict Spinoza.

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Peyrere:

“Four years later, Isaac de la Peyrere, a French Calvinist, also wrote explicitly that Moses was not the author of the first books of the Bible. He, too, noted problems running through the text, including, for example, the words ‘across the Jordan’ in the first verse of Deuteronomy.”
Richard Friedman (1987), Who Wrote the Bible [1]

“The first important scholars to independently argue against the prevailing view, namely that the Pentateuch was written by a divinely-inspired Moses (e.g. Newton believed this), were: Thomas Hobbes, Benedict Spinoza, and Isaac la Peyrere.”
Gary Greenberg (1996), The Bible Myth [2]

1. Friedman, Richard E. (1987). Who Wrote the Bible (pg. 20). Summit Books.
2. (a) Friedman, Richard E. (1987). Who Wrote the Bible (pg. 20). Summit Books.
(b) Greenberg, Gary. (1996). The Bible Myth: the African Origins of the Jewish People (pgs. 26). Citadel Press.

External links
Isaac La Peyrere – Wikipedia.

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