John PolkinghorneIn hmolscience, John Polkinghorne (1930-) (CIR:24) (CR:5) is English physicist-priest noted for, what seems to be, his use of quantum mechanics and the fine tuning argument, among others, as ontic opening playing cards, to promote the view that one can be an intelligent believer in the age of science.

Polkinghorne’s work is often cited, together with English bishop N.T. Wright, by Francis Collins, as a type of deflection shield, which amounts to what Sam Harris refers to as “pure madness, a bizarre conflation, a word salad”.

Quotes | About
The following are quotes concerning Polkinghorne:

“The Templeton Prize bridges the gap between sense and nonsense.”
— Martinus Veltman (2003), on John Polkinghorne’s acceptance [1]

The following are related quotes

“If we were deterministic beings, what would validate the claim that our utterance constituted rational discourse? Would not the sounds issuing from mouths, or the marks issuing on paper, be simply the actions of automata?”
— John Polkinghorne (1998), Science and Theology; cited by Bo Jinn [2]

1. Veltman, Martinus. (2003). Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics (pg. 286). World Scientific.
2. (a) Polkinghorne, John. (1998). Science and Theology: an Introduction (pg. 58). Fortress Press.
(b) Lennox, John. (2011). God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design is it Anyway? Lion.
(c) Jinn, Bo. (2013). Illogical Atheism: a Comprehensive Response to the Contemporary Freethinker from a Lapsed Agnostic (eB) (loc.2365). Sattwa Publishing, 2014.

Further reading
● Polkinghorne, John. (1994). Quarks, Chaos, and Christianity. Crossroad.
● Polkinghorne, John. (2002). Quantum Theory: a Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

External links
John Polkinghorne – Wikipedia.

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