Jordan MaxwellIn existographies, Jordan Maxwell (1940-) (RMS:118|160+) (CR:12), aka "Russell Pine" (real name) (Ѻ), is and American rough-around-the-edges religio-mythology scholar, noted particularly for his astro-theology work, most of which is in the form of audio talks, DVDs, and video lectures.

In 1970, Maxwell read Gerald Massey's c.1890 lecture "The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ", becoming inspired by it, and therein gleaning the idea of "astro-theology". [2]

In c.2000, Maxwell in his “Is Ra El” lecture Q&A, gives a fairly cogent synopsis of how, in his view, Judaism was formed by the migration process wherein the Phoenician Canaanites, aka Hebrews, with their embedded religion of the Isis Cult and Amen-Ra religion, moved north and encountered the Palestine god El, whom Maxwell defines as the planet Saturn. [1]

Anointed Phallus
In c.2000, Maxwell produced an audio talk (Ѻ) entitled “Anointed Penis Head”, which no doubt is about the god Atum.

Maxwell believes that religion is but something for controlling minds, that god exists, and that there is some kind of spiritual dimension to the universe.

Solar corona cross (Jordan Maxwell)
A solar corona "crown of thorns" depiction from Maxwell's 2000 chapter "The Solar Cult". [2]
Quotes | By
The following are related quotes:

“The entire New Testament is a metaphor, and astrological metaphor for the outworking of god’s plan on the earth.”
— Jordan Maxwell (c.2009), “The Root of All Religion 7/15” (4:49-5:02) (Ѻ)

1. Maxwell, Jordan. (c.2000). “Essential Jordan Maxwell: Isis-Ra-El = Israel (It’s Not Holy). Amen” (Ѻ)(Ѻ), Merkabah Master Truther, Apr 30.
2. Maxwell, Jordan; Tice, Paul; Snow, Alan. (2000). That Old-Time Religion: the Story of Religious Foundations (§: Astro-Theology, pgs. 5-24; §:The Solar Cult, pgs. 35-54). The Book Tree.

Further reading
● Irvin, Jan; Maxwell, Jordan; Rutajit, Andrew. (2006). Astrotheology and Shamanism. Book Tree.

External links
About –

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