Jordan PetersonIn existographies, Jordan Peterson (1962-) is a Canadian political scientist, psychologist, and existential philosopher, noted for []

In May 2017, Jordan, in an interview titled “Do You Believe in God?” (Ѻ), stated that he doesn’t like the query: “do you believe in god?” per reasons of terminology disagreement on the terms “belief” and “god”, stating that he “acts as if god exists”, leaving the question open; he also, to note, fumbles around with the query, not about the existence of Christ, but about whether he believes in the “divinity of Christ”, meaning, implicitly he believes that a person named Jesus Christ existed (see: Jesus never existed), divine or not. Peterson here seems to have an agnostic leaning towards atheism belief state, a Dostoyevskyan view or things, give or take.

Religion | Atheism
In 1999, Peterson, in his Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, which he spent 13-years writing, building on the ideas of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Friedrich Nietzsche, and most importantly Fyodor Dostoyevsky, his main intellectual kinship, attempts to argue that all Westerners, even admitted atheists, are Judeo-Christian in their actions; to argue this position, Jordan posts the following statement by Nietzsche: [1]

“When one gives up Christian belief [for example] one thereby deprives oneself of the right to Christian morality. Christianity is a system, a consistently thought out and complete view of things. If one breaks out of it a fundamental idea, the belief in god, one thereby breaks the whole thing to pieces: one has nothing of any consequence left in one's hands. Christianity presupposes that man does not know, cannot know what is good for him and what evil: he believes in god, who alone knows. Christian morality is a command: its origin is transcendental; it is beyond all criticism, all right to criticize; it possesses truth only if god is truth—it stands or falls with the belief in god. If [modern Westerners) really do believe they know, of their own accord, "intuitively," what is good and evil; if they consequently think they no longer have need of Christianity as a guarantee of morality, that is merely the consequence of the ascendancy of Christian evaluation and an expression of the strength and depth of this ascendancy: so that the origin of [modern] morality has been forgotten, so that the highly conditional nature of its right to exist is no longer felt?”

Jordan then elaborates his idea that even if Christianity is superfluous, the fundamental tenets or theories of Christianity, e.g. don’t steal, don’t kill, love thy neighbor, etc., still govern the actions of Westerners, even atheists:

“If the presuppositions of a theory have been invalidated, argues Nietzsche, then the theory has been invalidated. But in this case the "theory" survives. The fundamental tenets of the Judeo-Christian moral tradition continue to govern every aspect of the actual individual behavior and basic values of the typical Westerner—even if he is atheistic and well-educated, even if his abstract notions and utterances appear iconoclastic. He neither kills nor steals (or if he does, he hides his actions, even from his own awareness), and he tends, in theory, to treat his neighbor as himself. The principles that govern his society (and, increasingly, all others) remain predicated on mythic notions of individual value—intrinsic right and responsibility—despite scientific evidence of causality and determinism in human motivation. Finally, in his mind—even when sporadically criminal—the victim of a crime still cries out to heaven for ‘justice’, and the conscious lawbreaker still deserves punishment for his or her actions.”


In Jan 2017, Peterson debated (Ѻ)(Ѻ) Sam Harris, in his podcast, on the topic of “what is true?”

In Apr 2017, Jordan, in his “Maps of Meaning 10: Genesis and the Buddha” lecture (Ѻ), section “The Problem with Atheism” (Ѻ), dialogues on Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Raskolnikov character of Crime and Punishment (1866) who ruminates on the justifications of committing a murder (note: Dostoyevsky’s father was murdered in 1839, when the Dostoyevsky was 18), i.e. the pros and cons of the rumination “why don’t I just kill her?”, namely take an axe to an immoral pawnbroker. Peterson goes on to state that because of the so-named “Dostoyevsky dilemma” -- namely the idea or thought that in a godless universe, of the Dostoyevskyan universe type, that because there is no transcendent value, one can do whatever they want, and therefore rational murder can be permissible, accordingly – he has issues with the radical atheists, like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins; he elaborates:

“The universe that people like Dawkins and Harris inhabit is so intensely preconditions by mythological presuppositions that they take for granted the ethic that emerges out of that as if it’s just a given, a rational given—and this is precisely Nietzsche’s observation as well as Dostoyevsky’s. The ethic that you think is normative is a consequence of its nesting inside this tremendously lengthy history, much of which was expressed in mythological formulation. If you wipe that out, you don’t get to keep all the presuppositions and assume that they’re rationally axiomatic. To make a rational argument, you have to start with an initial proposition. The proposition that underlies western culture is that there is a ‘transcendent morality’. Now you can say that that’s a transcendent morality substantiated in the finger of god, that’s fine, you could even call that a personification of the morality, if you don’t want to move into a metaphysical space. I’m not arguing for the existence of god, I’m arguing that the ethic that drives our culture is predicated on the idea of god, and you can’t just take that idea away and expect the thing to remain intact, midair, without any foundational support.”

In May 2017, Jordan, in a Rubin Report interview (Ѻ), was pulling the above “stock argument” in his attack on Sam Harris and his atheism entourage as follows:

“You can be a non-believer in your surface rationality, but you can’t be a non-believer in your actions, you see, because Harris’ metaphysics is fundamentally Christian. So he acts out a Christian metaphysics, while at the same time saying ‘I don’t believe it’. Yes, you do, because you’re acting it out. You just say you don’t believe it, but he’s acting it out, e.g. he doesn’t rob banks, he doesn’t kill people, he doesn’t rape. This addressed in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment.”

Here we see Peterson, again, attempting to scapegoat on the Dostoyevsky dilemma.

See main: God character equivalences
Peterson, in his Maps of Meaning (1999) devotes some eight pages to Osiris and Isis (of Egyptian mythology), connecting this to Marduk and Tiamat (of Babylonian mythology), and Isis to Mary (of Christianity). [1]

Controversy | Gender pronoun
In 2016, Peterson gained notoriety when he released a series of videos publicly protesting Canada’s Bill C-16 (Ѻ), which aimed to make it a crime to use certain derogatory gender identity pronouns, in a discriminatory way; Peterson’s subtle but powerful objection (Ѻ) was that legally-enforced “political correctness” is a slippery slope to a Marxism-like government, and another 100 million dead (de-bound stated). The controversy that ensued resulted in the HR department of the University of Toronto threatening to terminate him, on one side, and him raising $200K funding on IndieGogo (by 2693 backers) and 56K per month (by 4,923 backers) on Patreon, on the other; thus acting to push him into online media celebrity status range in 2017.

In Jun 2017, Peterson, in his Patreon-funded (Ѻ) Q&A video series (Ѻ)(Ѻ), stated, in response to the query “what is your IQ?”, answered that he doesn’t known what his IQ is, but that he did have it tested at one point, finding that it was “in excess of 150”. In another interview (Ѻ), he stated that a 160 IQ estimate for Donald Trump’s IQ was “too high”. Another time, he stated, in lecture, that IQ is set from birth and that you “cannot raise the IQ of a low IQ person” (Ѻ). He obviously have never heard of the Stern experiment nor of “forced prodigies”.

Peterson completed his BA in political science in 1982, his BA in psychology in 1984, both at the University of Alberta, and his PhD in clinical psychology from McGill University. Since 1997, he has been a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.

Quotes | By
The following are quotes by Peterson:

“In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive. I mean, look at the conversation we're having right now. You're certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth. Why should you have the right to do that?”
— Jorden Peterson (2018), “Channel 4 Interview” (Ѻ), response to Cathy Newman’s query: “why should your freedom of speech, trump a trans-person’s right not to be offended”, Jan 17; cited as viral in later interview on the Bill Maher show

“The god Horus – often regarded as the precursor to Christ, historically and conceptually speaking, experienced the same thing, when he confronted his evil uncle Set, which is the etymological precursor to Satan, usurper of the throne of Osiris, Horus’ father.”
— Jordan Peterson (2018), 12 Rules for Life: an Antidote for Chaos (pg. 181)

1. Peterson, Jordan. (1999). Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (atheism, pgs. 6, 452, 448; Osiris, 8+ pgs; Tiamat, 10+ pgs). Publisher.

External links
Jordan Peterson – Wikipedia.
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