Find a Good Man and Keep Him (2008)Mr Carbon Atom (2012)Debates of the Hmolpedians (2012)
Books based heavily on the hmolscience work of American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims: Find a Good Man and Keep Him (Satch Ejike, 2008), Mr. Carbon Atom (Mark Janes, 2012), and Debates of the Hmolpedians (David Bossens, 2012).
In Hmolpedia, the Libb Thims (citations) page is a listing of the journal articles, books, PhD dissertations, magazines, publications, conferences, symposiums, and meetings, etc., where the hmolscience
human thermodynamics, human chemistry, and or human molecule—theories of American chemical engineer Libb Thims are used, referred to, cited, or mentioned as a reference or point of discourse. These are listed below, originating in 2005 when Thims began to go public with his work. Those publications cited in red bullets are academic publications, of journal or book format, that cite Thims.

Poudel, Ram. (2015). “A Quest for Developmental Metrology” (slide #), session: Biophysical Economics: Measurement (Ѻ), Development Metrology Conference, Society for Ecological Economics, University of British Columbia, Canada, Oct 3.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2015). “Natural Selection and Thermodynamics of Biological Evolution” (abs), Scientific Research, 7(3):117-26.
● Bertrand, Natasha. (2015). “The 15 Smartest Presidents of All Time” (Ѻ), Business Insider, Mar 30.
● Bertrand, Natasha. (2015). “The 40 Smartest People of All Time” (Ѻ), Business Insider, Feb 27.

Shen, Po J. (2014). “A Thermodynamic Perspective on Innovation and Distributed Capitalism: a Conceptual Paper” (pdf) (advisor: Joseph Z. Shyu), MBA thesis (in management technology), Institute of Management of Technology, College of Management, National Chaio Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, China, Jun.
Gladyshev, Georgi. (2014). “On the Change in the Isotope Compositions of Living Organism During Aging and Evolution” (abs), Advances in Gerontology, 4(2): 107-08; original in Russian, published in: Uspekhi Gerontologii, 2013, 26(3):417-18.

● Jaffe, Klaus. (2013). “Insights on Cooperative Electricity Consumption in Human Aggregates from a Thermodynamic Analysis: Implications for Energy Policies”, in: Global Energy Policy and Security (editors: Walter Filho, Vlasios Voudouris) (pgs. 58-; Thims, pg. 60). Springer.
Anon. (2013). “Fórmula química del ser humano” (Chemical Formula of Human), Triplenlace Quimica (Triple
≡Bond Chemistry);, Sep 4.
● Judge, Anthony. (2013). “Credibility of Psychosocial Analogues of Feynman Diagrams: Cognitive Engagement with Challenging Visualization” (url), Laetus in Praesens, May 17.
Bossens, David. (2013). Debates of the Hmolpedians. Lulu.

● Jaffe, Klaus. (2012). “Insights on Cooperative Electricity Consumption in Human Aggregates from a Thermodynamic Analysis: Implications for Energy Policies” (pdf),
● Sica, Alan. (2012). “Classical Sociological Theory”, in: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Sociology (editor: George Ritzer) (§5, pgs. 82-97; Sorokin + “mechanistic school”, pgs. 85-86; humanothermodynamics, pgs. 87-88). John Wiley & Sons.
Aguilera, Jose M. (2012). Edible Structures: the Basic Science of What We Eat (translator: Marian Blazes) (§:Molecular Sociology, pgs. 59-63; “human chemistry”, pg. 59; Thims, note 2, pg. 102). CRC Press.
● Janes, Mark A. (2012). Mr Carbon Atom and the Theory of Carbon Entromorphology (abs). Emp3books.
Tuhtan, Jeff. (2012). “A Modeling Approach for Alpine Rivers Impacted by Hydropeaking Including the Second Law Inequality” (pdf) (Thims, pgs. 8, 30, 79, 203), PhD dissertation, Stuttgart University, Germany.
● Bossens, David. (2012). “Reflections: Criticisms of Science” (abs),, Jun 06.
● Bossens, David. (2012). “Reflections: Our Origins” (abs),, Jun 07.

Annamalai, Kalyan, Puri, Ishwar K., and Jog, Milind A. (2011). Advanced Thermodynamics Engineering (§14: Thermodynamics and Biological Systems, pgs. 709-99, contributed by Kalyan Annamalai and Carlos Silva; §14.4.1: Human body | Formulae: 26-element, pgs. 726-27; Thims, ref. 88). CRC Press.
Mohsen-Nia, Mohsen, Arfaei, F., Amiri, H., and Mohsen Nia, A. (2011). “A Thermodynamic Methodology for Evaluating Friendship Relations Stability”, Journal of Human Thermodynamics, 7(2): 5-14, (Beta Review), Dec.
● Solis, Brian. (2011). The End of Business as Usual: Rewire the Way You Work to Succeed in the Consumer Revolution (pg. 129, ref. #8: Empedocles, Encyclopedia of Human Thermodynamics, pg. 289). Wiley.
Bali, Selcuk. (2011). “Econophysics, Thermoeconomics, and Phynance”, Journal of International Social Research, 4(18), Summer.
● Groysman, Alec. (2011). “Use of Art Media in Engineering and Scientific Education” (§3.4: Human Chemistry), Generative Art Conference, XIV, Roma, Italy, Dec 5-7.
● Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2011). “Thermodynamic Theory of Biological Evolution and Aging of Living Systems” (abs), Advances in Gerontology, 1(2):130-33.

● Weerasinghe, Buddhi. (2010). “Towards a Better Assessment Framework: the Case of Wanduruppa”, in: in: Strengthening Resilience in Post-Disaster Situations: Stories, Experience and Lessons from South Asia (editors: Julian Gonsalves and Priyanka Mohan) (§41, pgs. 453-68; Thims, pg. 468). Academic Foundation, 2011.
● Chen, Jing. (2010). “The Economy of Nature and the Economy of Human Society: A Unified Understanding” (abs), Social Science Research Network, Nov. 12.
Maslova, Tanya V. (2010). “Thermolinguistics and Human Thermodynamics: Correspondence Principles” (abstract), Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 17(1): 141-44.
Maslov, Victor P. (2010). “Tropical Mathematics and the Financial Catastrophe of the 17th Century: Thermoeconomics of Russia in the early 20th Century.” Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 17(1): 126-40.
Gladyshev, Georgi. (2010). “On the Thermodynamics of Evolution and Aging of Biological Matter.” Journal of Human Thermodynamics (6): 26-38.
Gardiner, Martin. (2010). “Inside the IoHT: I am Not a Molecule (parts 1, 2, 3, 4)”, Improbable Research, Jun 04-06.

● Pogany, Peter. (2009). “Fifth Structure Emergence in Economics: Observations Through the Thermodynamic Lens of World History (lecture)” (reference to the EoHT website in the presentation), International Gebser Society Conference, Hofstra University, New York. Oct. 15.
● Schwartz, Mary Ann A., and Scott, Barbara M. (2009). Marriage and Families: Diversity and Change (6th Edition), (Table 4.1: What is Love – According to Adults, from the IoHT’s 2004 “What is Love?” survey). Prentice Halls.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2009). “Hierarchical Thermodynamics and Life”. Plenary Lecture. Symposium. Fractals and Synergetics. Russian Academy of Science. Moscow, (pgs 11-28).
Author. (2009). “Book Review: The Human Molecule”, The Chemical Engineer (Jan-Feb), at the request of Claudia Flavell-While, ICE editor. (???)
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2009). “What is Life? Bio-physical Perspectives”, Advances in Gerontology, 22(2): 233-37.

Minkin, Viktor, A. and Nikolaenko, N.N. (2008). “Application of Vibraimage Technology and System for Analysis of Motor Activity and Study of Functional State of Human Body”, Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 42, No. 2, pgs. 196-200.
Ejike, Satch U. (2008). Find a Good Man and Keep Him. Author House.
Chen, Jing. (2008). “Understanding Social Systems: A Free Energy Perspective”, September, 16. pgs. 1-10. Social Science Resource Network.
Thims' work was presented at the American Association of Physics teachers annual meeting (Chicago, 2008) in the lecture of American chemical engineer and physics teacher Ted Erikson.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2008). “Mechanism of Influence of Foodstuff on Healthy Longevity.” Adv. Gerontology. 2008, v. 21, № 1. P. 34-36.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2008). “Hierarchical Thermodynamics and Life.” Vestnic of National Kazakh University (Almaty). Chemistry. № 2 (50), (pgs 7-12).
● Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2008). “What is Life? Bio-Physical Perspectives”, Knol, Oct.
● Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2008). “Definition of Anti-Aging Values of Natural Foodstuff.” Knol, Nov.
● Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2008). “Hierarchical Thermodynamics: General Theory of Existence and Living World Development” (English), Knol, Dec.
● Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2008). “Thermodynamics and Life: Hierarchical Thermodynamics and Living World Development” (English),, Dec.
● Zick, Timothy. (2008). Speech Out of Doors: Preserving First Amendment Liberties in Public Places (Figure 3.1. Hall’s Proxemic Zones. Source: Graphic by Libb Thims. Pg. 68). Cambridge University Press.

Aleinikov, Andrie G. (2007). “The Conservation of Extencia: a New Law of Conservation”, Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, Sept.
Gladyshev, Georgi. (2007). “Hierarchical Thermodynamics: Quality Food and Medicine” (PDF or MP3), A4M Las Vegas, Dec 12, 9:00 am – 12:00pm, 27m 03s, 36 slides.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2007). "Hierarchical Thermodynamics - General Theory of Existence: A Living World Development" (with photos), Becthnk, Vol. 1, pgs. 44-48, Herald of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian Section). ISSN: 1819-5733.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2007). “Leonard Euler's Methods and Ideas Live in the Thermodynamics Hierarchical Theory of Biological Evolution” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Nov., Vol. 11, No. N07, pgs. 52-68.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2007). “The thermodynamic theory of aging in action: medical nutrition recommendations for patients of any age” in Anti-Aging Therapeutics. Ed. Dr.R. Klats and Dr.R. Goldman, Volume IX, Ch. 20, (pgs. 135-152). Chicago: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
● Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2007). “A Burning Candle Wick is a Model of Living System.” Russia: International Academy of Creative Endeavors.

Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2006). "Hierarchical Thermodynamics and Anti-Aging", American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) World Congress. Chicago.
Gladyshev, Georgi P. (2006). "The Principle of Substance Stability is Applicable to all Levels of Organization of Living Matter", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 7, pgs. 98-110.

● The website was launched on April 27; prior to this, Thims' work was only submitted for review locally (2002-2005), in the Chicago-land area, primary, along with mail/package correspondences; and prior to this only a personal hobby (1995-2000).

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