Lucky me, lucky mud (tattoo)
A 2010 "lucky me; lucky mud" tattoo; a truncated meaning of the a discussion between god and mud in American writer Kurt Vonnegut’s 1963 Cat’s Cradle, on purpose in the context of the creation by clay myth as it is known to most Abrahamic faiths as the Adam and Eve story as told in the story of Genesis. [3]
In terminology, luck (TR:35) or lucky (TR:20), similar to chance, refers to []

In 2011, American economics and biology philosopher Alexander Rosenberg, The Atheist’s Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life Without Allusions, wherein he promotes what he refers to as "nice atheism", a "blind variation", "dumb luck", "random chance", "accident" themed, "mindless" process, "entropy = disorder" thermodynamics-conceptualized model of evolution, based on game theory and terms such as "thermodynamic noise", according to which everything is an nihilistic allusion, there is no morality, meaning, or purpose to existence, but that the closest thing to what he calls "core morality" is to promote the fitness of our ancestors, based on some type of Hamilton rule logic of being nice, the end motto of which is stay happy, keep going, and when in doubt "take Prozac or equivalent serotonin reuptake inhibitor". [1]

The following are related quotes:

“Anyone who attacks the state of marriage," Mittler cried, "who undermines this foundation of all moral society by word or deed, will have to reckon with me; or else, if I cannot better him, I will have nothing to do with him. Marriage is both the base and the pinnacle of culture. It makes barbarians tame, and it gives the most cultivated of people an opportunity to demonstrate their gentleness. It must be indissoluble; it brings so much luck that individual misfortunes cannot be weighed against it. And why speak of misfortune? Misfortune is really impatience that comes over people from time to time, and then they like to see themselves as unlucky. If you let the moment pass, you will think yourself fortunate that something that has stood the test of time still exists. There is no sufficient reason for separation. The human condition is so highly charged with joy and sorrow that one cannot calculate what two spouses owe each other. It is an infinite debt that can be paid only in eternity. It may be unpleasant at times—I can well believe it—but that is right and proper. Are we not also married to our conscience, which we would often like to get rid of, since it is more disagreeable than any man or woman could ever be?”
Goethe (1809), Elective Affinities (character: Mittler)

“While it was long possible and sometimes tempting for physicists to deny the usefulness of the molecular hypothesis, we economists have the good luck of being some of the ‘molecules’ of economic life ourselves, and of having the possibility through human contacts to study the behavior of other ‘molecules’ (see: human molecular hypothesis)…. If we will be more forthcoming with explanations of our cherished terms, our science colleagues may be more inclined to help us with ‘entropy’, which to me is a more difficult concept than anything economics has to offer.”
Tjalling Koopmans (1947/79), collected work (aggregate quote)

“In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference.”
Richard Dawkins (1995), River Out of Eden (pg. 133); cited by Bo Jinn (2013), Illogical Atheism (loc. 954)

“Perhaps other geologists also have questions about the mechanism of mutation (which varied its rate of effectiveness greatly in rocks), whether the ability to propagate is the difference between a fossil and its ancestor, how many such evolutions must occur before ‘bad luck’ is overcome and the newer variety replaces the older, which evolved features are not for propagation but just ‘ride along’ on the genetic material by a coincidental juxtaposition of genes, and—most importantly—whether ‘good luck mutations’ can occur fast enough to account for the fossil record.”
Bruce Bathurst (2009), “Why I’m not a molecule” (Ѻ)

“Is it just a crazy, cosmic stroke of luck that we’re here at all? Or do human beings have some larger, mysterious purpose?”
— Steve Paulson (2010), Atoms & Eden [1]

“I don’t subscribe to luck or chance; the harder I work the more luck I seem to have.”
— Erika Mitchell (2011), 50 Shades of Gray (character: Dorion Gray) (Ѻ)

“I believe that the evidence, whether physical, historical, or anecdotal, for the existence of a supernatural realm is either lacking or woefully flawed, where the label “supernatural realm” encompasses both supernatural entities (from gods to human souls) and supernatural powers (from telepathy to good luck charms). In the absence of any proper evidence, the only rational conclusion is that such entities and powers do not exist but are rather the products of wishful thinking and the human imagination.”
William Jensen (2014), part one of four of his atheist’s creed, Oct 15 [2]


1. Paulson, Steve. (2010). Atoms & Eden: Conversations on Religion and Science (pg. 1). Oxford University Press.
2. Email communication from William Jensen to Libb Thims (15 Oct 2014).
3. (a) Vonnegut, Kurt. (1963). Cat’s Cradle (pg. 265). RosettaBooks, 2002.
(b) Lucky me, luck mud (2010) –
4. Rosenberg, Alex. (2011). The Atheist’s Guide to Reality: Enjoying Life without Illusions (luck, 18+ pgs; lucky, 4+ pgs). W.W. Norton & Co.

External links
Luck – Wikipedia.

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