Man-Woman reaction (symbols)
Generic diagram of the typical male-female reaction, depicted using Bergman-style letter notation of single letters, A or B, used to represent unattached molecular entities and adjacent letters, AB, to represent bonded chemical entities. [3]
In human chemistry, a male-female reaction refers to the process in which two human molecules, one male one female, chemically react, typically forming a bonded product, in the form of a dihumanide molecule. [1]

In 2001, American computation chemist David Hwang, in his “The Thermodynamics of Love”, defined a male-female reaction as a theoretical chemical reaction where two elements, "male" (M) and "female" (F), combine to form a new compound called "couple" (M-F): [2]

M + F → M-F

Hwang goes on to explain the chemical thermodynamics of this reaction in his mating free energy principle.

1. (a) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume One). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
(b) Thims, Libb. (2007). Human Chemistry (Volume Two). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
2. Hwang, David. (2001). "The Thermodynamics of Love" (PDF), Journal of Hybrid Vigor, Issue 1, Emory University.
3. Bergman, Torbern. (1775). A Dissertation on Elective Attractions. London: Frank Cass & Co.

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