In genius studies, Mega Test IQ corresponds to an IQ assigned to a person by extrapolation of their score on a Mega Test, a 48 question test designed by American philosopher Ronald Hoeflin in the early 1980s. [1]
1 100RH to 113GT American philosopher Ronald Hoeflin (IQ=164): creator of the Mega test, the first test designed to measure IQs above 145. 8 128GT to 130RH to 134SM
16 140RH 22 147RH to 150SM-GT 33 160RH to 164SM to 168GT 42 174RH to 176SM to 183GT 43 177RH (Mega Society cutoff) 44 180RH to 192GT 45 174KL 46 186RH to 198GT 47 190RH to 200GT 48 193RH to 202GT
Question: "Teeth is to Hen as Nest is to ________?"