1100RH to 113GTAmerican philosopher Ronald Hoeflin (IQ=164): creator of the Mega test, the first test designed to measure IQs above 145.
Ronald Hoeflin
8128GT to 130RH to 134SM
22147RH to 150SM-GT
33160RH to 164SM to 168GT
42174RH to 176SM to 183GT
43177RH (Mega Society cutoff)
44180RH to 192GT
46186RH to 198GT
47190RH to 200GT
48193RH to 202GT
In genius studies, Mega Test IQ corresponds to an IQ assigned to a person by extrapolation of their score on a Mega Test, a 48 question test designed by American philosopher Ronald Hoeflin in the early 1980s. [1]

In 1982, American philosopher Ronald Hoeflin, who claims to have an IQ or 164 or "125 to 175, depending on which cognitive abilities they're tapping into" or 190 “on a good day”, in his own words, in aims to create a Mensa Society (IQ:132+) upgrade, formed the so-named "Mega Society", and shortly thereafter made a 48 question so-named "Mega Test", designed as the first IQ test designed to test for intelligence in the IQ of 145 of above range.

The test consists of 48 questions, math and verbal, which ran in Omni magazine from 1985 to 1999. He then developed other versions of the same test, such as the Titan test, among other variants.

Example question
An example verbal question from this Mega test is:

Question: "Teeth is to Hen as Nest is to ________?"

To answer this question, one must be well-read. In particular, one has to know a popular term used commonly in literature from 1650 to 1850, which is found in 19th century dictionaries of slang, phrase, or fable (Ѻ). One also has to know to re-phrase the question as: "The phrase "Hen's teeth" is analogous to the phrase "________'s nest"? Specifically, one has to know the tale of the pre-1650s Saxon demon Mara or Mare, a kind of vampire, who was said to sit on a sleeper's chest. These vampires were said to be the guardians of hidden treasures over which they brooded as hens over their eggs, and the place they sat was said was termed a nidus or nest. Hence the phrase "to find a mare's nest" means to find an illusory discovery or hypothetical treasure, sort of like "fool's gold" a "leprechaun's pot". Subsequently, just as there is no such thing as a mare's nest, there is also is no such thing as hen's teeth.

IQ extrapolations
Derived or estimated IQs based on scores of the Mega test, come from a column written by Scot Morris (Ѻ), another written by Grady Towers (In-Genius, #25, Jan., 1991) (Ѻ), and one from an 1989 norming of the test by Ronald Hoeflin (Ѻ) based the scores of the 3,920 participants to have taken the test, which are as follows, where supposedly, according to the opinion of Hoeflin, you are a "certified genius" (which of course is not the truth) if you can answer 16 or more of his questions correctly:

● Quote: “I would now estimate the ceilings of my tests and Ron Hoeflin's as closer to 4.5 to 5.0 sigma. And I.Q. 174 is about 45 on the Mega Test” (Kevin Langdon, 2001). [2]

Example test takers
To give a few example IQs derived from Mega test scores, American news paper columnist Marilyn vos Savant took the test in circa 1985 (age 39), scoring 46 out of 48, which, supposedly, assigned her with an IQ of 186.

American television producer Rick Rosner scored 44 out of 48 (1985) and 47 out of 48 (1991), along with a perfect score on Hoeflin’s Titan test, which together supposedly gives him an adult deviation IQ of 195.

American bouncer-cosmologist Chris Langan took the Mega Test, using the pseudonym of Eric Hart, and supposedly obtained a 42 on a first attempt and a 47 on a second attempt. To explain his IQ, in his own words, he says he ended up “setting a record score” which correlated to an IQ of, in his own words, "somewhere between 190 and 210".

1. Ronald Hoeflin - Wikipedia.
2. Langdon, Kevin. (date). “A Letter from Kevin Langdon”, Noesis, Issue 66, MegaSociety.com.
3. Jacobs, A.J. (2004). The Know-It-All (Hoeflin, pgs. 243-46, 331). Publisher.

External links
Home page - MegaSociety.com.
Mega Society – Wikipedia.com.