photo neededIn hmolscience, Miao Ning (c.1969-) is a Chinese interdisciplinary social scientist noted for []

In 2009, Ning, in his “Research on Social Stability Mechanisms Based on Activation Energy and Gradual Activation Reaction Theory”, coauthored with Chinese mathematician and systems scientist Jifa Gu, in which, building on the social physics work of Chinese ecological economist Wenyuan Niu, they apply chemical dynamics, and seeming human chemistry like themed content, to outline social models and theories, specifically transition state theory and collision theory to study and analysis of social transformations, the abstract of which is as follows: [1]

“This paper draws a comparison between social stability and chemical reaction process, and brings forward the concept of “social temperature” and “activation energy of social agent”. It is considered that social temperature turns out to be the macro symptom of social average energy, and its unceasing up-climbing roots in the energy accumulation of “inferiorization” process of social system; that “activation energy of social agent” stands for the social energy or temperature where individuals or groups reach the limit of their psychological bearing ability. This paper, basing on above concepts, elaborates on and demonstrates the gradual activation reaction mechanisms [see: social mechanism] of social stability by a lot of concrete examples. It is thought that there is a threshold value for social stability, and the society will be unstable if social temperature goes higher than this value; that the larger the social average activation energy is, the higher the temperature threshold value of social stability will be; and considering that different groups have different activation energy, those fragile groups with low activation energy are often the risk source which might pose a threat to social stability.”

Ning and Gu, interestingly, based on the chemical dynamics slowed down, divide social transformation into a "preparation period", wherein the rate of "activated molecules", presumably individuals—or social atomization, agent (element of the social system), or human molecule, though they don’t use this latter term— whose "behavior runs counter to the main rules of a society", increase at a slow rate, and a "reaction period", where "the proportion activated molecules takes up in total ones increases rapidly and the collision and combination among reactant molecules happens more frequently, and original bond will be destroyed the chemical reaction will be accelerated"; the latter, supposedly, is there conception of revolution, the former the slow gradual build up to revolution, which the argue happens mechanistically.

The article cites the earlier theories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, along with new theorists such as: Jurgen Mimkes (2001, 2006) and Josip Stepanic (2000). [2]

The key words for this article are: “social stability”, “social temperature”, “activation energy of social agent”, “gradual activation of reaction”, and mechanisms.

In 2009, Ning was affiliated with Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Natural and Social Sciences, both in Beijing, China. In 2013, Ning was listed as a researcher at School of Life Sciences and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an, China.

1. (a) Ning, Miao and Gu, Jifa. (2009). “Research on Social Stability Mechanisms Based on Activation Energy and Gradual Activation Reaction Theory” (abs), Complex Sciences, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Science, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering (pgs. 2309-23), Volume 5. Springer.
(b) Niu, W.Y. (2001). “Socialphysics and the warning system of China’s social stability”, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,1, 15–20 (in Chinese).
(c) Ning, M., Liu, Y.J., Niu, W.Y. (2008). “Mechanisms for the construction of Harmonious Society Based on Lagrangian Function”, China soft science, 7, 69–76 (in Chinese).
(d) Niu, W.Y. (2008). “The social harmony equation based on social physics”, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,23(4), 343–347 (in Chinese).
(e) Jifa Ju – Wikipedia.
2. (d) Mimkes, Jürgen. (2000). “Society as a many-particle System” (abs), Journal Thermal Analysis, 60(3):1055-69.
(e) Mimkes, Jurgen. (2006). “A Thermodynamic Formulation of Social Science”, In: Econophysics & Sociophysics: Trends & Perspectives (pgs. 277 – 308). Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Anirban Chakraborti, Arnab Chatterjee (Eds.). WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Germany.
(f) Stepanic, Josip, Stefancic, Hrvoje, Zebec, Mislav S., and Perackovic, Kresimir. (2000). “Approach to a Quantitative Description of Social Systems Based on Thermodynamic Formalism.” Entropy, 2(3): pgs 98-105.

External links
Miao Ning (publications) –

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