In human thermodynamics, Michael Alston Boles (1943-) is an American mechanical engineer and co-author of the 1989 textbook Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach, with Turkish mechanical engineer Yunus Cengel, in its seventh edition as of 2010, in which they intersperse Cengel-Boyles human thermodynamics arguments, e.g. alluding to the premise that the second law and entropy apply to human interactions and activity and that someday second law analysis may be used to improve the quality of human existence, such as in eliminating human frictions and in economics. [1]
Boles completed his PhD in 1972 in mechanical engineering, with a thesis on “Interactions of radiation with conduction and convective Heat Transfer in Ablation and Boundary Layer Flow”, at North Carolina State University. [2]He has since been a professor of thermodynamics at NCSU.
See also
● List of thermodynamics textbooks that include human thermodynamics
1. (a) Cengel, Yunus A. and Boles, Michael A. (2002). Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach (4th ed) (ch. 6: Entropy; subsection: Entropy and Entropy Generation in Daily Life, pgs. 318-19). McGraw-Hill.
(b) Entropy and Entropy Generation in Daily Life (2010) –
2. Boles, Michael Alston. (1972). “Interactions of radiation with conduction and convective Heat Transfer in Ablation and Boundary Layer Flow” (link), PhD thesis, North Carolina State University.
External links
● Michael Boles (faculty) – North Carolina State University.
● Boles, Michael A. – WorldCat Identities.