Love vs Will (paradox)
Polls show, paradoxically, that where as 66 percent of people believe that love is a chemical reaction (2005), only 41 percent believe "will" is determined (2015), i.e. not free.
In data, poll is survey of a selection of people concerning one or more questions, topics, on public opinion or belief; some noted hmolscience related polls are shown below, concerning: belief that a human is a chemical or molecule, free will, love, etc.

The adjacent poll results show a paradoxical relationship between colloquial beliefs about "love" and "will", namely, while 66% believe love is a chemical reaction — "chemical reactions", by scientific definition, completely determined, involving no sort of freedom of ability of chemicals to "choose" from among different reactions — only 41% believe that will is determined.

This discrepancy, largely, is a result of conflicting religious beliefs, i..e. soul or karma theory, concerning the nature of "right" and "wrong", according to which the "free" ability to make a "choice" is conceptually believed to be the determinate of one's existence after reaction end; some of this is captured by the following diagram:

Choice (atomic) diagram

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Humans | Are Molecules?
In 2001, English physicist James Eadon initiated an online poll “Are You a Giant Molecule?”, which, as of 2009, with over 340 people polled, indicates that about 57% of people "believe" they are a molecule (human molecule) or "giant molecule" as Eadon terms things: [1]

Poll: Are you a giant molecule? (2008)
The poll was referenced in the 2008 book The Human Molecule by American chemical engineer Libb Thims. [2]

Love | Is a Chemical Reaction?
In 2005, Libb Thims conducted a poll of 100 people, from around Chicago, with the in person query “is love a chemical reaction?”, finding that 66 percent of people believe that love is a chemical reaction: [1]

Love a Chemical Reaction (2005 poll)

The following are example responses from the survey:

Is love a chemical reaction (example responses)

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Love | At First Sight?
In 1992, data by Helen Fisher, found that about 67% of people believe in love at first sight and 20% fall in love at first sight and marry that person. [2]

In 2013, polls by Sydnee Stannard, of American high school students, found that 62% believe in love at first sight: [3]

Love at first sight poll (2013)

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Will | Free?
The following shows the polled results of a some 4,672 visitors to the Scientific American site, from 20 Dec 2014 to 13 Jan 2015, on question of whether or not people have free will: [4]

Free will poll (2015)

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1. Running Poll: "Are You A Giant Molecule?" (2001-2009+) –
2. Thims, Libb. (2008). The Human Molecule (pg. 69) (preview) (Google Books). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
3. Thims, Libb. (2005). “Poll: Is Love a Chemical Reaction?” Research Project #4, Chicago: Institute of Human Thermodynamics.
4. Fisher, Helen. (1992). Anatomy of Love - a Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why we Stray (section: "Love at First Sight", pgs. 49-50). Fawcett Columbine.
5. Stannard, Sydnee. (2013). “Together Forever: High School Relationships”, Knight Life, 53(3):11.
6. Stix, Gary. (2015). “Site Survey Shows 60 Percent Think Free Will Exists. Read Why.” (ΡΊ) Scientific American, Blog, Jan 15.

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