In terminology, romantic chemistry is a stage of human life associated with romance that is believed to be definable according to a specific type of chemistry. [1] In the early stages of romance, for instance, levels of the neurochemical serotonin drop significantly as lovers begin to think obsessively about each other. [2]
The dating site states that people are like puzzle pieces, such that some pieces click more easily than others, and define romantic chemistry as “that ‘clicking’ feeling that makes romance seem obvious”. [3] This phrasing, however, is incorrect. The technical version of this statement is that people are human molecules and some human molecules will react more easily than some than others. [4]
The dating site has an article titles “Romantic Chemistry Explained”, by staff writer Dan Bova, that explains the five supposed mysteries of romantic chemistry, which are: why the best sex occurs without talk, why people are attracted to those who are bad for them, why instant connections occur between some and not for others, and why chemistry online is not the same as chemistry in person, and why the spark of chemistry disappears over time? All of this, according to American anthropologist Helen fisher, has to do with the survival traits. [5]
The site has a “relationship chemistry predictor”, that supposedly determines whether or not there will be “romance” in a relationship by measuring five dimensions of personality: self-confidence, family orientation, self-control, social dependency or openness, and easygoingness. [6]
1. Fisher, Helen. (2004). The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. New York: Henry Holt and Co.
2. Brown, Kathryn. (1999). “Love Sick”, New Scientist, 31 July, Issue 2197.
3. Romantic Chemistry / Short Definition –
4. Thims, Libb. (2008). The Human Molecule, (preview). Morrisville, NC: LuLu.
5. Romantic Chemistry, Explained (by Dan Bova) –
6. Relationship Chemistry Predictor –