Rosetta stone (diagram)
Section of Libb Thims’ 2015 “Ancient Egypt” labeled “Zerotheism for Kids” slide (Ѻ) showing the Rosetta stone, discovered in Rosetta (c.1799), which allowed for the decipherment of hieroglyphics (c.1820), and later the decipherment of the Abrahamic and Brahmaic faiths as variants of Anunian theology (c.1900).
In terminology, Rosetta Stone is a multilingual stele discovered in circa 1799 whose meaning remained hidden until 1822 when English physicist Thomas Young, notable for being credited with the coining of the term "energy" in the modern sense, and French scholar Jean-Francois Champollion, who completed the work of Young, translated it, thus uncovering the correlated three-language key to the understanding of the ellusive 5,000-year old language of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The term “Rosetta Stone” has since become idiomatic as something that is a critical key to the process of decryption or translation of a difficult problem. In thermodynamics, several noted publications have been described as Rosetta stones to the uncovering of the meaning of entropy.

Shannon | Clausius
In thermodynamics, American physicist Edwin Jaynes’ 1957 two-part article “Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics” has been described by American engineer Myron Tribus as the Rosetta Stone to uncovering the connection between Clausius entropy (1865) and Shannon entropy (1948). In particular, in 1958, after searching for clues to this puzzle for a decade and after having been asked this question during his 1948 doctoral examination at UCLA, Tribus states the following on finding Jaynes’ paper:

“Here was my Rosetta Stone! I went home and worked with that paper for a week, almost without sleep. All of my studies for a decade suddenly fell in place. A straight forward connection between Shannon’s entropy and the entropy of Clausius poured into the paper, almost without my hand.”

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In 2005, writer Rick Moody commented that the reading of elusive American writer Thomas Pynchon’s authorized bootleg edition of his early stories (Slow Learner, 1985), where in the intro he reflects on his use of entropy, information entropy, and Maxwell’s demon in his earlier short stories and novels, that it “was like a finding of the Rosetta Stone to his later works”.

The following are related quotes:

“The problems of these highly complex mixtures, the principles first enunciated by Gibbs, became a veritable Rosetta stone.”
— Frederick G. Cottrell (1939) (Ѻ)

“Gibbs’ work has been called the ‘Rosetta Stone of science’.”
— Author (1942), “Article”, The New Republic (Ѻ)

1. (a) Jaynes, E. T. (1957) “Information theory and statistical mechanics”, (PDF), Physical Review 106:620.
(b) Jaynes, E. T. (1957) “Information theory and statistical mechanics II”, (PDF), Physical Review 108:171.
2. Tribus, M. (1998). “A Tribute to Edwin T. Jaynes”. In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, Garching, Germany 1998: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods of Statistical Analysis (pgs. 11-20) by Wolfgang von der Linde, Volker Dose, Rainer Fischer, and Roland Preuss. 1999. Springer.

External links
Rosetta Stone – Wikipedia.

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