Simon CapelinIn hmolscience, Simon Capelin (c.1951-) is an English editor commonly cited and credited, by a number of authors, e.g. Eugene Stanley, Bertrand Roehner, etc., as having played a pioneering role (see: HP pioneers), as the physics editorial director at Cambridge University Press, from circa 1997-present, in the development and promotion of econophysics, sociophysics, and socio-economic physics. [1]

Capelin, in some ways, can be compared to German publisher Johann Cotta, the main publishing agent behind Goethe's 1809 physical chemistry based Elective Affinities, which launched the science of human chemistry.

Capelin completed his BS in physics in 1973 at the University of Southampton and his PhD in biological physics in 1977 at Nottingham University. [4]

Praise | Tribute
The following are noted credit quotes on Capelin:

“In 1995, Eugene Stanley coined the phrase ‘econophysics’ at a meeting in India. At about the same time, Yi-Cheng Zhang and his group introduced the econophysics webpage: link icon (c). Simon Capelin at Cambridge University Press led the charge by publishing Stanley’s and other econophysics books. His program there is still strong. Sadly, econophysics, like nonlinear dynamics, was never recognized by the APS as part of physics. American physics prefers (nonfalsifiable) string theory to falsifiable approaches to social problems. My university offers one of the only econophysics PhD programs in the world.”
Joseph McCauley (2008), “Emergence of Finance Theory and Econophysics” [2]

“Through its physics publishing director, Simon Capelin, Cambridge University Press played a pioneering role in the development of econophysics.”
— Bernard Roehner (2007), Driving Forces in Physical, Biological and Socio-Economic Phenomena [3]

1. (a) McCauley, Joseph L. (2008). “Evolution of FX Markets via Globalization of Capital”, in: Evolution from Cellular to Social Scales (editors: Arne Skjeltorp and Alexander Belushkin) (§3.3: “Emergence of Finance Theory and Econophysics”, pgs. 122-25; quote, pg. 125). Springer Science & Business Media.
(b) Roehner, Bertrand. (2007). Driving Forces in Physical, Biological and Socio-Economic Phenomena: a Network Science Investigation of Social bonds and Interactions (pg. xvii). Cambridge University Press.
2. McCauley, Joseph L. (2008). “Evolution of FX Markets via Globalization of Capital”, in: Evolution from Cellular to Social Scales (editors: Arne Skjeltorp and Alexander Belushkin) (§3.3: “Emergence of Finance Theory and Econophysics”, pgs. 122-25; quote, pg. 125). Springer Science & Business Media.
3. Roehner, Bertrand. (2007). Driving Forces in Physical, Biological and Socio-Economic Phenomena: a Network Science Investigation of Social bonds and Interactions (pg. xvii). Cambridge University Press.
4. Simon Capelin – LinkedIn.

External links
Simon Capelin (editor) –

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