In hmolscience, social free energy is the quantification, in sociological thermodynamics, of the free energy, i.e. human free energy, or more accurately Gibbs free energy, of a social system or a verbal description of it.

In 2004, Croatian mechanical engineer Josip Stepanic, in his "Social Equivalent of Free Energy", was theorizing about social free energy.

In 2006, Stepanic reasoned that a part of socio-economic activity is expressible and measurable by way of social free energy. [1] Stepanic defines social free energy as a measure of resources which can be transferred for a given purpose within a social system without changing its structure. [2]

See also
Social energy

1. Stepanic, Josip, Stefancic, Hrvoje, and Zlatic, Vinko. (2006). “Social Free Energy of a Pareto-Like Resource Distribution”, Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, Society, 4(2): 136-43.
2. Stepanić Jr., J., Sabol, G., and Žebec, M.S. (2005). “Describing Social Systems using Social Free Energy and Social Entropy.” Kybernetes 34 (5-6): 857-868.

Further reading
● Stepanic, J., Stefancic, H., Zebec, M.-S., and Perackovic, K. (2000). “Approach to a Quantitative Description of Social Systems Based on Thermodynamics Formalism", Entropy 2(3), 98-105.
● Stepanic, Josip. (2004). "Social Equivalent of Free Energy", Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 2(1), 53-60.
● Kasac, Josip, Stefancic, Hrvoje, and Stepanic, Josip. (2004). “Comparison of Social and Physical Free Energies on a Toy Model” (abstract), Phys. Rev. 70(1), 8-pgs.

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