1876: On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances | Willard Gibbs |
1882: "The Thermodynamics of Chemical Operations" | Hermann Helmholtz |
1884: Studies in Chemical Dynamics | Jacobus van't Hoff |
1903: Thermodynamics and Chemistry: A Non-mathematical Treatise for Chemists and Students of Chemistry | Pierre Duhem |
1907: Experimental and Theoretical Applications of Thermodynamics to Chemistry | Walther Nernst |
1912: A Text Book of Thermo-Chemistry and Thermodynamics | Otto Sackur |
1913: Text-book of Thermodynamics with special reference to Chemistry | James Partington |
1921: Thermodynamics and Chemistry | Frank MacDougall |
1923: Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances | Gilbert Lewis and Merle Randall |
1924: Chemical Thermodynamics | James Partington |
1933: Modern Thermodynamics by the Method of Willard Gibbs | Edward Guggenheim |
1949: Thermodynamics: Advanced Treatment for Chemists and Physicists | Edward Guggenheim |
1950: Chemical Thermodynamics | Ilya Prigogine and Raymond Dufay |
1950: Chemical Thermodynamics | Frederick Rossini |
1950: Chemical Thermodynamics: Basic Theory and Methods | Irving Klotz |
1965: Chemical Thermodynamics | John Kirkwood and Irwin Oppeheim |