Three thing philosophy examples of "animate forms" (or animate things), the respective principles of animation of each differing only in degrees of complexity (see: animate and inanimate; rock vs human); the nature of operation of each governed by one and the same laws of physics, chemistry, and thermodynamics (see: one nature). |
1. Heraclitus 185|#86
2. Aristotle 195|#10
3. Lucretius 180|#94
4. Marcus Aurelius 180|#125
5. Nicholas of Cusa 180|#40
6. Giordano Bruno 190|#35
7. Benedict Spinoza 185|#53
8. Napoleon Bonaparte 180|#111
9. Rene Lubicz 175|#270
“The things that can be seen, heard, and learned are what I prize the most.”— Heraclitus (c.495BC), Fragment 55 (Ѻ) (translator: John Brunet)
“For any particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?”— Marcus Aurelius (167), Meditations; cited in Silence of the Lambs (1991)
“I am a thing that thinks: that is to say, that doubts, affirms, denies, that wills, that desires, that also imagines and perceives.”— Rene Descartes (1641), Mediations on First Philosophy (Mediation Three) (Ѻ); note: Hobbes objected (Ѻ) to this [15]; cited by Henry Buckle (1856) in History of Civilization, Volume One (pg. 425)
“There is present in all things a natural desire to exist in the best manner in which the condition of each thing's nature permits this. And [we see that all things] act toward this end and have instruments adapted thereto. They have an innate sense of judgment which serves the purpose of knowing. [They have this] in order that their desire not be in vain but be able to attain rest in that [respective] object which is desired by the propensity of each thing's own nature.”— Nicholas of Cusa (1660), Learned Ignorance (Ѻ)
“Everything is more or less organized matter. All things can be explained by magnetism.”— Napoleon Bonaparte (1817), “Dialogue with Gaspard Gourgaud”, Apr [4]
“The world is full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be happy as kings.”— Robert Stevenson (1885), Happy Thought; cited by Hilda Finnemore (1924) in A History of Earth: from Stardust to Man (pg. 5) [1]
“I propose the following definition, which is applied to everything, including minerals: ‘life is the faculty of reaction.’ Everything in the universe tends toward inertia, or absence of reaction. The proof of this inertia, which thermodynamics seeks in ‘absolute zero,’ has never been given, nor will it ever be, because absolute inertia can only be attained through the cessation of the formed matter or ‘thing’. This would be the moment the thing ceased to exist. Everything ‘existing’ is capable of reaction, insofar as it has ‘weight’, that is, fixed or specific energy. The vital phenomenon is the faculty of reacting, and to manifest itself this reaction requires a resistance of the same nature as the action.”— Rene Lubicz (1949), The Temple of Man
“I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process – an integral function of the universe.”— Buckminster Fuller (1970), I Seem to Be a Verb
“The world appears to be governed by empirically discoverable, natural, and unalterable laws, and individuals apprehend their own activities in terms of quantifiable laws. The thingification of people (reification) presents itself in philosophy as crude materialism, and the personification of things (fetishism) presents itself as crude idealism. Crude materialists tend to regard social relations of production as though they are natural properties inherent in things.”— Gillian Howie (2010), Between Feminism and Materialism [2]
“There is no such thing as life.”— Jonathan Dowling (2013), reflection on his abioism view, as argued during 1998 to 2004 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory "life detection" device debates