“Watch groups of people working or playing together and you will be startled to discover how ‘chemical’ are their reactions to one another. Once you acquire even rudiments of human chemistry, you will be baffled less often by people, and become impatient or angry less often at the (to you) annoying things they do. You will see and judge them for what they are—different kinds of human chemicals, obeying the laws of their natures as you and I obey the laws of our natures.”
Cover of 1948 book We Human Chemicals: the Knack of Getting Along with Everybody by Dreier, showing each person as analogous to an element on the periodic table. |
“It flashed into my mind the other night that an executive is like a chemist. He has a laboratory stocked with seventy-eight elementary chemicals. With that stock he can make absolutely every substance needed in his daily life if he possesses the necessary knowledge to combine the elements.”