“Cold rakes the superficies of the earth, and that which a motion so much the stronger, by how much the parallel circles towards the poles grow less and less. From whence must arise a wind, which will force together the uppermost parts of the water, and withal raise them a little, weakening their endeavor towards the center of the earth.”
“Hobbes’ philosophy was materialistic, that is, he subscribed to the metaphysical view that only things that exist, or can be known to exist, are physical bodies. Hobbes’ materialism was the source of the charges of atheism, because materialistic philosophy explained the universe only by reference to matter, but not god’s existence or that of souls. In his materialism, Hobbes argued that all change in the universe came about from one material object striking another. For this reason, freedom lay not in ‘choice’ but in the ability to move without impediment. Human beings and their choices were no more or less mechanical than other material objects.”
“[Foolish people] make little or no inquiry into the natural causes of things, yet from the fear that proceeds from the ignorance itself, of what it is that hath the power to do them much good or harm, are inclined to suppose, and feign unto themselves, several kinds of powers invisible; and to stand in awe of their own imaginations ; and in time of distress to invoke them; as also in the time of an expected good success, to give them thanks ; making the creatures of their own fancy, their gods”
“I know there have been certain philosophers, and they learned men, who have held that all bodies are endowed with sense; nor do I see, if the nature of the sense be set alongside reaction solely, how they can be refuted.”
“I found him to lard and seal every asseveration with a rounded oath, and to undervalue all other men's opinions and judgements, to defend to the utmost what he asserted though never so absurd, to have a high conceit of his own abilities and performances, though never so absurd and pitiful, &c. He would not be persuaded, but that a common spectacle-glass was as good an eye-glass for a thirty six foot glass as the best in the world, and pretended to see better than all the rest, by holding his spectacle in his hand, which shook as fast one way as his head did the other; which I confess made me bite my tongue.”’— Robert Hooke (1663), “Letter to Robert Boyle” on his meeting of Thomas Hobbes at Richard Reeve’s optical instruments shop, late Jun [16]
“There may be some Spinosists (Spinozaism) beyond the seas; but not one English infidel in a hundred is any other than a Hobbist (see: Hobbesian); which I know to be rank atheism in the private study and select conversation of these men; whatever it may appear abroad.”— Richard Bently (1692), “Letter to a Professor” [8]
“The earliest writer who deserves to be called a psychologist is Hobbes.”— George Romanes (1885), “Mind and Motion” [17]
“Hobbes thought in an atmosphere of dualism—yet Hobbes was a resolute opponent of dualism. He suspected Descartes of paltering with philosophy to appease the Jesuits—his philosophy must find a corner for the mysteries of the Catholic faith, e.g. transubstantiation, pro salute animae (Ѻ); and was a system to be received which fell hopelessly apart in the middle, and which demanded a miracle to restore a unity which a philosophy worthy of the name was bound to demonstrate impossible?”— Pogson Smith (c.1895), “The Philosophy of Hobbes” [14]
“Hobbes’ masterwork, Leviathan, was an attempt to develop a political theory out of the mechanical view.”— Philip Ball (2004), Critical Mass [2]
“It is the nature of all corporeal beings, who have been frequently moved in the same manner, to continually receive a greater aptitude, or to produce the same motions with more facility.”— Thomas Hobbes (1640), “Essay on Human Nature” (Ѻ); cited by Baron d’Holbach (1770) in The System of Nature (pg. 70)
“Now, look how many sorts of things there are which properly fall within the cognizance of human reason, into so many branches does the tree of philosophy divide itself. For treating of figures, it is called geometry; of motion, physics; of natural right, morals; put all together, and they make up philosophy. And truly the geometricians [see: Holbach's geometrician] have very admirably performed their part. For whatsoever assistance doth accrue to the life of man, whether from the observation of the heavens or from the description of the earth; from the notation of times, or from the remotest experiments of navigation; finally, whatsoever things they are in which this present age doth differ from the rude simpleness of antiquity, we must acknowledge to be a debt, which we owe merely to geometry. If the moral philosophers had as happily discharged their duty, I know not what could have been added by human industry to the completion of that happiness which is consistent with human life. For were the nature of human actions as distinctly known as the nature of quantity in geometrical figures, the strength of avarice and ambition, which is sustained by the erroneous opinions of the vulgar as touching the nature of right and wrong, would presently faint and languish; and mankind should enjoy such an immortal peace, that unless it were for habitation, on supposition that the earth should grow too narrow for her inhabitants, there would hardly be left any pretense for war.”— Thomas Hobbes (1642), Publication (Ѻ); in 1894 “Preface” (pg. 6-7) of Leviathan; bolded section seems to be synopsis of Benedict Spinoza’s Ethics (1675) [1]
“That when a thing lies still, unless somewhat else stir it, it will lie still forever, is a truth that no man doubts of. But that when a thing is in motion, it will eternally be in motion, unless somewhat else stay it, though the reason be the same, namely, that nothing can change itself, is not so easily assented to. For men measure, not only other men, but all other things, by themselves; and because they find themselves subject after motion to pain, and lassitude, think everything else grows weary of motion, and seeks repose of its own accord; little considering, whether it be not some other motion, wherein that desire of rest they find in themselves, consistent.”— Thomas Hobbes (1651), Leviathan (§2: On Imagination) (pg. 3)
“All the qualities called ‘sensible’ are, in the object which causeth them, but so many motions of the matter by which it presseth on our organs diversely. Neither in us that are pressed are they anything else but divers motions; for motion produceth nothing but motion. . . . The cause of sense is the external body or object, which presseth the organ proper to each sense, either immediately, as in taste and touch, or mediately, as in hearing, seeing, and smelling; which pressure, by the mediation of the nerves, and other strings and membranes of the body, continued inwards to the brain and heart, causeth there a resistance, or counterpressure, or endeavour. . . . And because going, speaking, and the like voluntary motions, depend always upon a precedent thought of whither, which way, and what; it is evident that the imagination [or idea] is the first internal beginning of all voluntary motion. And although unstudied men do not conceive any motion at all to be there, where the thing moved is invisible; or the space it is moved in is, for the shortness of it, insensible; yet that doth not hinder, but that such motions are. These small beginnings of motion, within the body of man, before they appear in walking, speaking, striking, and other visible actions, are commonly called ‘endeavor’.”— Thomas Hobbes (1651), Leviathan (pt. I, §1 and 6); cited by George Romanes (1885) in “Mind and Motion” [17]
“The world is corporeal; it has the dimensions of size, that is to say, length, breadth, and depth. Each portion of a body, is a body, and has these same dimensions: consequently, each part of the universe is a body, and that which is not a body, is no part of the universe; but as the universe is every thing, that which does not make a part of it, is nothing, and can be no part.”— Thomas Hobbes (1651), Leviathan (§:46); cited by Baron d’Holbach (1770) in The System of Nature (pg. 233)
“Moral philosophy is nothing else but the science of what is good and evil, in the conversation, and society of mankind. Good and evil are names that signify our appetites, and aversions; which in different tempers, customs, and doctrines of men, are different: and diverse men, differ not only in their judgment, on the senses of what is pleasant and unpleasant to the taste, smell, hearing, touch, and sight; but also of what is conformable or disagreeable to reason, in the actions of common life.”— Thomas Hobbes (1651), Leviathan [15]
“And when they come to give account how an incorporeal substance can be capable of pain, and be tormented in the fire of hell or purgatory, they have nothing at all to answer, but that it cannot be known how fire can burn souls.”— Thomas Hobbes (1651), Leviathan (§:On the Kingdom of Darkness, pg. 304)
“Then for ‘physics’, that is, the knowledge of the subordinate and secondary causes of natural events; they render none at all, but empty words. If you desire to know why some kind of bodies sink naturally downwards toward the earth, and others go naturally from it, the schools will tell you out of Aristotle, that the bodies that sink downwards are ‘heavy’, and that this heaviness is it that causes them to descend. But if you ask what they mean by ‘heaviness’, they will define it to be an endeavour to go to the centre of the earth. So that the cause why things sink downward, is an endeavour to be below; which is as much as to say, that bodies descend, or ascend, because they do. Or they will tell you the centre of the earth is the place of rest, and conservation for heavy things; and therefore, they endeavour to be there: as if stones and metals had a ‘desire’, or could discern the place they would be at, as man does; or loved rest, as man does not; or that a piece of glass were less save in the window than falling to the street.”— Thomas Hobbes (1651), Leviathan (§:On the Kingdom of Darkness, pg. 304-05); cited by Steven Shapin (1985) in Leviathan and the Air Pump (pg. 93)
“The chimerical fear of invisible powers is the origin of all religions.”— Thomas Hobbes (c.1651) attributed and or paraphrase; in: The Three Imposters (1712) [9]
“There is only one reality in the world—it is movement, external, without beginning, the cause of each and every change.”
— Thomas Hobbes (c.1651), Publication; cited by George Gore (1902) in “The Coming Scientific Morality”; cited by Anon (1902) in “Materialist Morality”
“Desire to know why, and how – curiosity, which is a lust of the mind, that a perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge – exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.”— Thomas Hobbes (c.1660) (Ѻ)
“If men found their interest in it, they would doubt the truth of Euclid’s Elements.”— Thomas Hobbes (c.1660), Publication (Ѻ); cited by Baron d’Holbach (1770) in The System of Nature (pg. 221)