In religio-mythology, Virgin Mary is a Roman era (c.100-400 ACM) monotheistic rescript (see: god character rescripts) of the Egyptian goddess Isis, aka “Stella Maris” or star of the sea, who conceived her son Horus during an act of resurrection sex (see: Virgin Birth) with the god Osiris during what is called the black rite.

The following are related quotes

“Virgin births have been traditionally attributed as representing the constellation of Virgo, thought to be derived from the fact that the ancient glyph for Virgo is the altered "m" or “ᶆ”. This is why Mary along with other virgin mothers from religious mythology, such as Adonis's mother Myrrha and Buddha's mother Maya begin with an M.”
— Ian Sawyer (2016), “Is the story of Jesus based on the Egyptian god Horus?” [1]

1. Sawyer, Ian. (2016). “Is the story of Jesus based on the Egyptian god Horus?” (Ѻ), Quora, Jul 10.

Further reading
● Jordan, Michael. (2001). The Historical Mary: Revealing the Pagan Identity of the Virgin Mother. Seastone.

External links
Mary, mother of Jesus – Wikipedia.

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