photo neededIn thermodynamics, Walter Raleigh Browne (1842-1884) was an English civil engineer notable for being the English translator of the 1879 second edition of German physicist Rudolf Clausius’ textbook The Mechanical Theory of Heat. [1] At the time of publication Browne was a late fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

1. Clausius, Rudolf. (1879). The Mechanical Theory of Heat (2nd ed). Trans. Walter R. Browne. London: Macmillan & Co.

Further reading
● Browne, Walter R. (1882). The Foundations of Mechanics. Griffin, Charles & Co. (73-pages).

External links
Walter Raleigh Browne (author) – Wikisource.
Browne, Walter R. (Walter Raleigh) – WorldCat Identities.

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