photo neededIn existographies, Zeno of Elea (495-435BC) (IQ:155|#475) (Cattell 1000:726) (Stokes 100:6) (Eells 100:100) (GPhE:#) (ACR:12) (CR:19) was a Greek-Italian philosopher, was one of three main philosophers of the Eleatic school, founded by Parmenides, whose third member includes Melissus (500-440BC) — whose essential tenets were the denial of change, denial of the void (or non-being), denial of movement, in support of the overarching postulate of continuity of being (or being oneness), or something along these lines — generally known for his famous paradoxes, e.g. Achilles and the tortoise, which aimed to repudiate plurality and change, and thus motion.

Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Zeno:

“The disciples of Parmenides and Melissus [e.g. Zeno of Elea] have rejected the existence of movement. Aristotle labeled them immobilists and antiphysicists: immobilists because of paralysis, and antiphysicists because movement is the very essence of nature, and to pretend, as they did, that nothing moves is tantamount to abolishing nature.”
Sextus Empiricus (c.200AD) [1]

See also
Zeno of Citium (335-260BC) | Stoicism founder

1. Pullman, Bernard. (1998). The Atom in the History of Human Thought (pg. 21). Oxford University Press.

External links
Zeno of Elea – Wikipedia.

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