Adolf Hitler In existographies, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) (IQ:155|#365) (CR:38) was a Austrian-born German politician who became leader of the German national socialism party, advocates of Nazism, from the German Nationalsozialismus (national socialism), an ideological practice characterized as a form of fascism that incorporates biological racism and antisemitism, a reactionary alternative to internationalist Marxist socialism and capitalism, and who his 1925 Mein Kampf (My Struggle), an autobiographical manifesto, in which he employs a number of emotionally evoking thermal word based analogies and comparisons when discussing the stirrings of human passions.

The 1996 Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler, by Anne Harrington, supposedly, traces theories of gestalt and holism in the work of Goethe to the rise and fall of Nazi holism and mechanism. [4]

Force | Energy | Power
In 1926, Hitler stated the following: [13]

“The fundamental motif through all the centuries has been the principle that force and power are the determining factors. All development is struggle. Only force rules. Force is the first law. A struggle has already taken place between original man and his primeval world. Only through struggle, have states and the world become great. If one should ask whether this struggle is gruesome, then the only answer could be: For the weak, yes, for humanity as a whole, no.”

This is sometimes truncated as follows: (Ѻ)

“Through all the centuries force and power are the determining factors. Only force rules. Force is the first law.”

This is fairly cogent. That "force is the first law", however, is close but a bit off: the "first law", technically, is the conservation of energy and or its transformations (in equation form); subsequently, to become energy, force has to be multiplied by a conjugate variable pair, such as distance.

Hitler, prior to this, in his My Struggle, employed the terms: energy (22+), force (69+), and power (81+), the number of times indicated, respectively. The following is one example: [12]

“All cases [of impressions made on people] have to do with an encroachment upon man’s freedom of will. This applies most, of course, to meetings attended by people with a contrary attitude of will, whom must now be won over to a new will. In the morning and even during the day people’s will power seems to struggle with the greatest energy against and attempt to force upon them a strange will and a strange opinion. At night, however, they succumb more easily to the dominating force of a stronger will. For, in truth, every such meeting represents a wrestling bout between two opposing forces.”

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Thermal words | Social combustion
See main: Spark of the tongue
The following is a popular thermal word based quote from Hitler's 1925 Mein Kampf: [1]

“All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless goddess of distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people.”

Here we see Hitler conceptualizing the “spoken word” as something that can act like an activation energy lowering factor to the triggering of a large scale social chemical reaction, the way a match can ignite wood or gasoline in a combustion reaction. Indian-born Pakistani organometallic chemist Mirza Beg outlined a similar speech heat theory, in respect to the period shortly before the riots and manslaughter of Direct Action Day (16 Aug 1946), as follows: [11]

“The speeches made by Hindu extremists generated high heat in their society. Their emotions were set so high as to interact with violent force with the Muslims and this led to widespread riots, killings, arson and looting.”

This, supposedly, was one of the reaction mechanism steps that led to India and Pakistan to becoming independent and self-governing, in the so-called timeline of British India. (Ѻ)

Hitler speaking and torch
In 1925, Hitler alluded to the idea that the "torch of the spoken word", when thrown into the crowd, can act as something that starts a social fire, akin to a spark igniting gasoline combustion or a torch thrown into a large pile mound of dry wood, an action depicted in a scene from the 1987 film Predator, above left, wherein Dutch (Arnold Schwarzenegger ) throws a lit torch onto the a large pile of dry wood on the forest floor; which would give seem to suggest that the people of Germany going into the mid to late 1930s were becoming akin to a type of dry wood or combustible substance at or near its flash point (spark required) or autoignition temperature (no spark required), depending. [5]
Such thermal word talk here should not be taken lightly nor dismissed as amusing metaphor knowing that, in Hitler's case, by 1934, true to his national socialism philosophy, he had seized complete control of Germany and by 1938 had begun to occupy Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, by 1939 Poland, by 1940 Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France, Romania, and Yugoslavia, and by 1941 had begun to invade Russia, with supposed aims to conquer all of Europe. [7]

The combustion process typically can be started in two ways, namely by bring a substance to its flash point, the temperature at which a substance will ignite when a spark or flame is applied, or by bringing a substance to its kindling point or autoignition temperature, the temperature at which a substance will ignite, without the need of an applied spark or flame.

The autoignition temperature of a substance is the lowest temperature at which it will spontaneously ignite (spontaneous combustion) in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. This temperature is required to supply the activation energy needed for combustion.

Social pressure
The temperature at which a chemical will ignite, to note, decreases as the pressure or oxygen concentration increases. [6] Here, we may see, by extrapolation, via human chemical reaction theory, that the increase in the social pressure in Germany in the early 1930s may have worked to lower the autoignition temperature of the German people, and thus may have ignited on its own without the need of an external spark or flame to cross the activation energy barrier. Hitler, however, seems to have argued that his "spoken words" acted as the activation energy spark or flame, which would imply that the Germans were at or near their flash point, not their autoignition temperature, in July 1934, after the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler declares himself “Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor” over German and abolishes the title of President.
Another remote explanation to Hitler’s theory that the “torch of the spoken word”, when cast into the crowd, can bring about revolution and or war, knowing that sound is but air vibrations pulsed in waves of certain frequency, impacting on the eardrum, is the comparison of certain crystallization and or freezing processes that will trigger when the test tube is tapped on or supercooled water bottle banged on (above video); see also Mpemba effect and war. [1]

“At the risk of appearing to talk nonsense I tell you that the national socialist movement will go on for 1,000 years!... Don't forget how people laughed at me 15 years ago when I declared that one day I would govern Germany. They laugh now, just as foolishly, when I declare that I shall remain in power!”
— Adolf Hitler (1934), to a British correspondent in Berlin, June [8]

Technically, it would seem to be possible that spoken words (sound) could be employed as a means to start a fire they way rubbing of sticks together can create fire in leaves or kindling via friction. Although, it is difficult to find a citation, it has been suggested that as sound transmitted through powerful speakers can create vibration in objects, that such vibrations in materials rubbing against each other could work to start a fire via heated-generated friction, hence validating Hitler's spoken word argument.

Oxidant concentration
In respect to autoignition temperature being lowering when the oxygen concentration increases, in respect to the German people, this extrapolation is more blurry. Combustion, technically, is a sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and conversion of chemical species. The following is a typical combustion reaction between methane (fuel) and oxygen (oxidant):

CH_{4(g)} + 2O_{2(g)} \to CO_{2(g)} + 2H_2O_{(g)}

In comparison to Hitler's spoken words social ignition model, it would seem that the fuel is the German people and the oxidant are the people of the surrounding countries, that when put into contact or mixed can ignite, given the right temperature and possibly the right spark or spoken words.

In, respect to the volcanic “eruption of the human passions”, the steam engine conceptualized passion-based social theories of American Albert Brisbane comes to mind.

Hitler is often conceptualized, according to colloquial opinion, as one of the most or the most evil persons in history, for his progressive eugenics-based implementations in WWII (1939-1945) during the course of which some 11 million people, of specific race, predominately Jews and other minorities, were systematically killed (dereacted), supposedly based on some type of scientific pretext.

The progressive eugenics-based implementations of Hitler are cited by American chemist Todd Silverstein, in the 2007 Rossini debate, as being one example of the possible future dangers potentially inherent in the future implementation of chemical thermodynamics based socialism: [2]

“The rise of social Darwinism in the late 19th century and eugenics in the early 20th century are just two examples of scientific theories that were mistakenly extended into misguided social policies.”



In thermodynamics trivia, one of Max Planck’s sons was executed in World War II for his part in the assassination attempt on Hitler in 1944. [9]

Quotes | On
The following are related quotes on or about Hitler:

Hitler’s ideals come mainly from Nietzsche, in whom there is every evidence of complete sincerity.”
— Bertrand Russell (1935), “Cosmic Purpose” [14]

“The facts of history are evolved from definite relations at a definite time and place. Everybody admits that Hitler and the corner grocer in a general way are part of the same order of things as is the remotest inhabitant of the most insignificant south seas island.”
Morris Zucker (1945), commentary on Alfred Kroeber’s history theories [3]

Quotes | By
The following are noted quotes by Hitler:

“All propaganda has to be popular, and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
— Adolf Hitler (c.1925), cited by Bo Jinn (loc. 703)

1. Hitler, Adolf. (1925). Mein Kampf, Volume 1 (ch. 3) (Ѻ). Publisher.
2. Silverstein, Todd, P. (2006). “State Functions vs. State Governments”, Journal of Chemical Education, Jun. (83): 847, Letters.
3. (a) Zucker, Morris. (1945). The Philosophy of American History: The Historical Field Theory (pg. 254). Arnold-Howard Publishing Co.
(b) Kroeber, Alfred L. (1915). “Eighteen Professions” (pdf), Read at the Philadelphia meeting of the American Anthropological Association; in: American Anthropologist, 17(2):283-88.
4. Harrington, Anne. (1996). Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler. Princeton University Press.
5. (a) Flash point – Wikipedia.
(b) Autoignition temperature – Wikipedia.
6. Spontaneous combustion – Wikipedia.
7. (a) Hitler’s rise and fall (timeline) –
(b) Adolf Hitler’s rise to power – Wikipedia.
8. Anon. (1934). “Germany: Second Revolution?” (WB) (abs), Time, Jul 02.
9. McQuarrie, Donald A. and Simon, John D. (1999). Molecular Thermodynamics (pg. # ). University Science Books.
10. Thims, Libb. (2013). “Econoengineering and Economic Behavior: Particle, Atom, Molecule, or Agent Models?” (video, 1:33-min) (article, 40-pgs) (PowerPoint, 36-slides), Key speaker talk delivered at the University of Pitesti Econophysics and Sociophysics Workshop (UPESW) / Exploratory Domains of Econophysics News (EDEN V). University of Pitesti, Pitesti, Romania, Jun 29.
11. Beg, Mirza Arshad Ali. (1987). New Dimensions in Sociology: a Physico-Chemical Approach to Human Behavior (abs) (intro) (speeches, pg. 107). Karachi: The Hamdard Foundation.
12. Hitler, Adolf. (1925). My Struggle (Mein Kampf) (translator: Ralpf Manheim; Introduction: Abraham Foxman) (force, 69+ pgs; energy, 22+ pgs; power, 81+ pgs; opposing forces, pgs. 474-75) . Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998.
13. Hitler, Adolf. (1926). “Force and Struggle” (Ѻ) (Ѻ), Speech delivered at Essen, Nov 22.
14. Russell, Bertrand. (1986). Bertrand Russell on God and Religion (editor: Al Seckel) (Amz) (pg. 198). Prometheus Books.

External links
Adolf Hitler – Wikipedia.

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