Albert Camus sIn existographies, Albert Camus (1913-1960) (IQ:165|#447) [RGM:305|1,500+] (Stokes 100:74) (RE:47) (CR:49), pronounced “al-bear cam-oo” (Ѻ) was a French-Algerian philosopher, who, via his 1942 essay The Myth of Sisyphus (see: Camus model), initiated a godlessness brand of existentialism, which rejected nihilism, termed “absurdism”, themed on the conflict or apparent absurdity between (a) the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in existence and (b) the human inability to find any.

Camus’ work was similar to Jean-Paul Sartre, the latter both praising and being critical of the former. [2]

Camus, supposedly, despised nihilism—which he defined as the impossibility of putting one’s trust in a religion or in a belief or belief system of some kind—and viewed Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel The Possessed as a prophecy about nihilism's devastating effects. [3]
Quotes | On
The following are quotes on Camus:
Camus is a very fine writer, but France has many other fine writers. Camus is not a great writer, not a genius. There is only one genius in France today: Jean Genet.”
Jean Sartre (1947), luncheon conversation (Ѻ) with Lionel Abel, New York
Quotes | By
The following are quotes by Camus:

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
— Albert Camus (1942), The Outsider

Nietzsche was the most famous of god’s assassins.”
— Albert Camus (1942), The Myth of Sisyphus

“An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.”
— Albert Camus (c.1946), Notebooks (1942-1951)

“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous amounts of energy merely to be normal.”
— Albert Camus (c.1949), Notebooks (1942-1951) [4]

“Contrary to the opinion of certain of his Christian critics, Nietzsche did not form a project to kill god. He found him dead in the soul of his contemporaries. He was the first to understand the immense importance of the event and to decide that this rebellion on the part of men could not lead to any renaissance unless it was controlled and directed.”
— Albert Camus (1951), The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt (pg. 68).

1. (a) Absurdism – Wikipedia.
(b) The Myth of Sisyphus – Wikipedia.
2. Sartre, Jean-Paul. (1945). “Existentialism is a Humanism”, Lecture at Club Maintenant, Oct 29; in: Existentialism is a Humanism (including A Commentary on The Stranger; translator: Carol Macomber; Introduction: Annie Cohen-Solal; Notes and Preface: Arlette Elkaim-Sartre; editor: John Kulka) (Camus, 33+ pgs.). Yale University Press, 2007.
3. (a) Camus, Albert. (1959). “Interview: Stage adaption of Dostoyevsky’s ‘The Possessed’”, Pierre Dumayet. Translation: hvolsvellir.
(b) The Possessed (play) – Wikipedia.
4. Camus, Albert. (c.1949). Notebooks: 1942-1951 (Notebook IV) (Ѻ) (Ѻ). Publisher.

● Spinoza, Dan. (2019). “The Stranger – Existentialism Rap” (Ѻ), YouTube, Apr 5.

External links
Albert Camus – Wikipedia.
Albert Camus – Wikiquote.

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