Amir Shirzadi (c.1960-) is an English materials engineer, with expertise in diffusion bonding, noted for []
OverviewIn 2017, Shirzadi, in his “Thermodynamics and Unconditional Love” talk, at Open University, first digressed on general
thermodynamics, how negative
Gibbs energy is the criterion for
spontaneous reactions:
Spontaneous reactions occur if:
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS < 0
talked a little about money and entropy, or something to this affect, then interjected into his views on the thermodynamics of
human chemical bonds (22:08-29:16), using the model of a newly married couple, as shown below, each of whom have 6 groomsmen and 6 bridesmaids: [1]
Shirzadi then jumps to the following:
On the Boltzmann equation, which, to note, only applies to systems where the
Boltzmann chaos assumption prevails (social systems are not gas phase systems):
S = k log W
he says that the W or
multiplicity, when greater than one, refers to social bonding “options” or one can have “ten wives, ten husbands, or a thousand friends”, as he says (see:
polyhumanide molecule). He then conjectures that potential social "conflicts", which may erupt between any one or all of the various combinations of social bonds and interactions equates to
temperature increase (see:
social temperature), which he says will produced the following conditions:
which will thus produce the
spontaneity criterion (ΔG < 0), and thusly, in his concluding opinion "unconditional love" is thermodynamically impossible, i.e. unless the temperature gets too high, wherein even a strong marriage bond will not hold. Of note, on enthalpy change, he says the following:
“This ΔH in some cultures they call it ‘love at first sight’.”
Shirzadi also says that if the temperature is getting too high, thereby threatening the stability of the marriage bond, i.e. ΔH, one can "buy some flowers" (for your wife) and thereby bring down the temperature, i.e. lower the TΔS.
EducationIn 2017, Shirzadi was a lecturer at The Open University and a visiting scientist at Cambridge University.
See also●
Thermodynamics of love ●
Erich MullerReferences1. Shirzadi, Amir. (2017). “Thermodynamics and Unconditional Love” (
Ѻ), Open University, Feb 24.
External links●
Amir A. Shirzadi – Google Scholar.
Amir Shirzadi (faculty) – Cambridge University.