Arthur Young nsIn existographies, Arthur Young (1905-1995) (CR:14) was and American aviation engineer and philosopher noted, in human thermodynamics, for his 1976 book The Reflexive Universe, in which he outlines ideas on the immortality of the soul as guaranteed by the first law of thermodynamics (cessation thermodynamics). [1] Young is also noted for his lecture ideas on the entropy and negentropy in relation to people and molecules.

Process theory
The four central tenets of Young’s 'theory of process' or process theory are that reality is structured dynamically on four levels: [2]

(a) The dimensionless level of photons, or light of spirit.
(b) The one-dimensional level of time and nuclear particles.
(c) The two-dimensional level of planar space (breadth and width) and atoms.
(d) the tree-dimensional level of time-plus-space, of molar matter, of molecules and familiar space-time objects.


The work of Young was influential to American philosopher Christian de Quincey, whose combined views exemplify the extrapolate downward approach. [2]

Education Young completed a degree in mathematics from Princeton University in 1927. Over the next dozen years, Young worked to develop the world’s first helicopter, and by 1947 got the Bell helicopter into production. In the years to follow, he turned to the next phase of his career as a philosopher of the mind (or soul), the resulting theory being his 1976 book The Reflexive Universe, a synthesis of general Darwin-based evolution theory, added with speculations on psychology and parapsychology, all intertwined with semi-scientific ideas on how consciousness evolved.

1. Young, Arthur. (1976). The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness (thermodynamics, 4+ pgs). Delacorte Press.
2. De Quincey, Christian. (2002). Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter (pgs. 27-28, 190). Invisible Cities Press.

● Young, Arthur. (2007). “The Turn from Positive to Negative Entropy” (Ѻ), Oct 4.
● Anon. (2008). “Arthur Young on Henri Bergson” (Ѻ), 0ThouArtThat0, Jul 4.

External links
Arthur Young – Wikipedia.
Arthur M. Young (the theory of process) –

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