The three leading thinkers to expand on the premise, initiated by Empedocles (On Nature, 435BC) with his chemical aphorisms, that “friends mix like water and wine, whereas enemies separate like oil and water”, have been: Goethe (Elective Affinities, 1809), Pakistani organometallic chemist Mirza Beg (New Dimensions in Sociology: a Physico-Chemical Approach to Human Behavior, 1987), and American electrochemical engineer Libb Thims (Human Chemistry, 2007; Chemical Thermodynamics: with Applications in the Humanities, 2014). A dialogue between Beg and Thims, i.e. a Beg-Thims dialogue, was initiated on 23 Jun 2014. A mental dialogue was initiated between Thims and Goethe in circa Feb 2006. |
“Sadi, I have been introduced to hmol.pedia as Mirza Beg by Libb Thims. My full name is Mirza Arshad Ali Beg. My publications at the University of British Columbia with Professor HC Clark carried the name M.A.A. Beg. Subsequent publications from Pakistan carried the name M. Arshad A. Beg and that name went on until 1980. From this time onwards I started writing my full name on each publication. I wonder if my full name can replace the Mirza Beg in the hmol.pedia. I will send you my recent articles and also those that are listed with, but you say that this is not the forum. What is the best thing to do? Dr. Mirza Arshad Ali Beg”
“Mathematics and dynamics fail us when we contemplate the earth, fitted for life but lifeless, and try to imagine the commencement of life upon it. This certainly did not take place by any action of chemistry, or electricity, or crystalline grouping of molecules under the influence of force, or by any possible kind of fortuitous concourse of atoms. We must pause, face to face with the mystery and miracle of creation of living creatures.”
“I [Allah] created a human being out of clay. I formed him, from sticky clay, and breathed my spirit into him.”
The 2013 Triple Bond Chemistry article, entitled "The Chemical Formula of a Human" (Ѻ), which cited the Sterner-Elser molecular formula (2000) and the Thims molecular formula (2002), shown with some type of protein-like molecule amid the Michelangelo's painting of god creating Adam. |
"Re: “Post #4”, that is some funny stuff! Before replying, I would just like to say that at this point you have three options, either: (a) hold to your religious convictions (words of the Quran), and go down in history as Ernst Mach did (1897) as someone who would not recant and admit to the existence of atoms, (b) recant, as Wilhelm Ostwald did (1809), and side with physical science (words of Clausius and Gibbs, whom you cite), or (c) leave your final say in regards to your beliefs in riddled form, such as Maxwell did in his last poem "A Paradoxical Ode". See following timeline for Mach/Ostwald recant comparison: here. In your case, by comparison, you will have to recant your religious faith and teachings, if you want your theory to increase in value in the generations to come. Compare how William Thomson held to religious teachings in the face of physico-chemical science and evolution theory, and how his sun age calculations fell into ill repute in his later years, in spite of his early genius years."
Beg’s 2014 “Emergence of Life Forms in Thermodynamic & Islam” (Ѻ) article, wherein he attempts to explain life in terms of Allah-based thermodynamics. |
"Re: Either you can believe that physicochemical sciences, which teaches that life is something not recognized by physics and chemistry, that energy is conserved, and chemical reactions stop when the entropy reaches a maximum, or you can believe in the Quran, which teaches that life exists, that humans have free will, that each individual choice determines the weight of one’s soul, and that the soul is immortal."
“The living body was energized [by Allah] with a soul consisting of free energy and entropy. The soul acts as the driving force for all forward reactions and interactions, while entropy retards the forward reactions.”
"Re: “Mathematics and dynamics fail us when we contemplate the earth, fitted for life but lifeless, and try to imagine the commencement of life upon it. This certainly did not take place by any action of chemistry, or electricity, or crystalline grouping of molecules under the influence of force, or by any possible kind of fortuitous concourse of atoms. We must pause, face to face with the mystery and miracle of creation of living creatures.”
is strikingly reminiscent of your statement above (post #4). To exemplify, your statement “wedding chemistry with physics opens the dimensions of physical chemistry”, is parlay into what is called the ontic opening argument, which come in many forms. A kind of verbal wizardry that attempts to sneak in metaphysical concepts into the physicochemical sciences, albeit without any foundational basis."
"Re: To resolve this paradox, what you need to do is spend some time thinking to yourself exactly where, i.e. at what point, on the molecular evolution table, molecules “became alive”, or energized by the quantum of free energy, as you put it"
“At this juncture, I would like to express my opinion about many new big publications of Libb. I do not want to have any relation to the manifestly absurd notions about ‘non-existent theory of life’ and the widespread use of the term ‘molecule’.”— Georgi Gladyshev (2013), “Life as a Phenomenon”
"Re: “Post #4”, that is some funny stuff! If you want your theory to increase in value in the generations to come!"The theory will take firm roots if the ground reality i.e. religion is regarded as absurdity instead of a way of life, and life itself as a disregarded entity. The theory has already opened new dimensions in Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Environmental Psychology and Religio-Physico-Chemical Sociology, proposed during the present discussion.
"Re: Allah created a human being out of clay. I formed him, from sticky clay, and breathed my spirit into him."Allah has revealed to the Prophet, bpuh, in verse 23:12-14: We did create life (Man) from clay. The verse then describes the process of creation when inorganic matter becomes living matter, and absorption of inorganic constituents of the earth into living matter by way of food and nutrients. Proceeding from here it is possible to suggest that life emerged from the nutrient rich clayey ferment that produced the enzyme. The enzymes are living molecules of proteins and trace elements. For life processes to proceed the enzyme needs to be charged with soul, the driving force that would carry the guidelines/commands of life processes. It had to be a clayey environment since that alone can store information and help orientation of the molecule in space and help chirality. Likewise it had to be some such mechanism that provides the driving force. Irradiation or interaction with a foreign particle as proposed by the geneticists/evolutionists, is not likely to activate life processes. This leaves us with only one alternative that is Allah‟s will: kun-fayakun, and soon enough the clayey broth has a clay particle charged with a soul that bears the command for shaping the particle into a living organism. It may be reminded that „amr‟ or command is unrelated to time which itself was created along with space by the decree: Be, and it was done. It has been suggested that the basic logic of life, information storage, and replication began with crystals, long before nucleic acids and proteins ever came on the scene. Accordingly it does not have to be DNA, nor anything like DNA, but something that could induce replication of information accurately, for example some mechanism that energizes the crystallization process to replicate. The crystallization is a one-step process which needs a crystalline particle to nucleate on.
"Re: I will ask again: “in what YEAR did this [first life] formation occur?"
On 8 Jul 2014, during the Beg-Thims dialogue, Thims hand scanned Beg's entire New Dimensions (see: comments #29-30), into pdf form, complete with Thims' and-written notes and commentary, and uploaded to the Internet for public consumption. |
“I have found no confession of faith to which I could ally myself without reservation.”— Johann Goethe (1831), one year before his reaction end
“If we are honest — and scientists have to be — we must admit that religion is a jumble of false assertions, with no basis in reality. The very idea of god is a product of the human imagination. It is quite understandable why primitive people, who were so much more exposed to the overpowering forces of nature than we are today, should have personified these forces in fear and trembling. But nowadays, when we understand so many natural processes, we have no need for such solutions. I can't for the life of me see how the postulate of an almighty god helps us in any way. What I do see is that this assumption leads to such unproductive questions as why God allows so much misery and injustice, the exploitation of the poor by the rich and all the other horrors He might have prevented. If religion is still being taught, it is by no means because its ideas still convince us, but simply because some of us want to keep the lower classes quiet. Quiet people are much easier to govern than clamorous and dissatisfied ones. They are also much easier to exploit. Religion is a kind of opium that allows a nation to lull itself into wishful dreams and so forget the injustices that are being perpetrated against the people. Hence the close alliance between those two great political forces, the State and the Church. Both need the illusion that a kindly god rewards — in heaven if not on earth — all those who have not risen up against injustice, who have done their duty quietly and uncomplainingly. That is precisely why the honest assertion that god is a mere product of the human imagination is branded as the worst of all mortal sins. Any further assumption implied by belief in a god which one may have in one’s faith is inadmissible from the point of view of modern science, and should not be needed in a well-organized society.”— Paul Dirac (1927/1933), commentary to Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli on Einstein’s “god’s dice” comments
“Jeff & Gheorghe, you have both requested a scanned copy of Mirza Beg’s 1987 New Dimensions in Sociology: a Physico-Chemical Approach to Human Behavior, so here you are, annotations by me (completed on 14 Jun 2014), scanned today:
"You, conversely, side with the Quran, not physical chemistry. Again, you are going to have to recant your religious faith, if you desire for your theory to absorb into the future, more. I doubt, however, you will be able to do this."
A 9 Jul 2014 photo (Ѻ) of Thims books read, Beg’s book seen on top shelf, far left. |
“Whenever two substances are united that have a disposition to combine and a third is added that has a greater affinity with one of them, these two will unite, and drive out the other.”
Peer review on Beg's New Dimensions in Sociology, from American ecohydrolic engineer Jeff Tuhtan, Romanian physical economist Gheorghe Savoiu, and German sociophysicist Jurgen Mumkes. |
“Thanks for the scan, will have a look! My comment on the ongoing discussion: If your religion can explain Ostwald ripening, I'll be in church on Sunday.”
“Thank you ... It must be one of the most amazing and realistic books ... Just give me two weeks or three maybe, please!”
“This is a very interesting paper, which corresponds to the views of my papers:● Society as a many-particle System, J. Thermal Anal. 60 (2000), 1055 - 1069
● Binary Alloys as a Model for the Multicultural Society, J. Thermal Anal. 43 (1995) 521-537
● A thermodynamic formulation of social science in Econophysics & Sociophysics: Trends & Perspectives Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Anirban Chakraborti, Arnab Chatterjee (Eds.) WILEY-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Germany (2006) 277 - 308
● my talk : Chemistry of social bonds (College Park, 2006)
Comment: The article has very many interesting aspects, I see many analogies, but in his article I miss any experimental proof like in physical chemistry.”