The presumed idea that the principle by which humans originated is based on “chance” or dice, is so commonplace that a number of board games exist catering to this belief, such as Darwin’s Dice (Ѻ), above, or Darwin’s Chance (Ѻ), not to mention Curtis Johnson’s 2014 book Darwin’s Dice: the Idea of Chance in the Thought of Darwin. |
“Chance is derived from cheance, designating the way in which the dice falls, whilst hazard is an Arabic word signifying dice. Thus, concepts of chance and hazard are associated with the notion of a game where calculation and competence have no part. In principle, it is possible to determine by calculation the position of the dice if one knows the “force” applied, the importance of friction due to the air, etc., parameters difficult to determine or to control in practice.
This is why one can suppose a priori that the probability of obtaining a given face is 1/6. In order to verify this probabilistic theory, it is evidently necessary to throw the dice a considerable number of times. This example permits the identification of two important aspects of the geometry of chance: the significant number of identifiable factors difficult to control in practice (force and height of the throw, density of the air, position of the dice, asymmetry in the structure of the dice, etc.) as opposed to the restricted number of possibilities (faces of the dice). It is certain that all the parameters being known, the position of the dice is automatically determined. If therefore in practice the game of dice remains a game of chance, the parameters determining the position of the dice fluctuate about a mean value due principally to the inability of the player to reproduce the same movement twice in succession. The probabilistic nature of the phenomenon is only too apparent: it is the result of our ignorance wittingly or otherwise of the precise causes involved in its evolution.”
“It is said that Metrodorus would have followed his friend Epicurus as head of the Garden had he not died first; Hermarchus succeeded instead. They joined with Epicurus in attacking Pythagoras for equating all things with number, Plato for his notion of the demiurge initiating motion in the universe, and Empedocles for positing that love and strife combine and separate the four elements. All these views of purposive creation are at odds with the Epicurean doctrine of the fusion and separation of atoms by chance.”
“For surely the atoms did not hold council, assigning order to each, flexing their keen minds with questions of place and motion and who goes where. But shuffled and jumbled in many ways, in the course of endless time they are buffeted, driven along, chancing upon all motions, combinations. At last they fall into such an arrangement as would create this universe.”— Lucretius (55BC), On the Nature of Things, on a non “created” universe
“Is it not a wonder that anyone can bring himself to believe that a number of solid and separate particles by their chance collisions and moved only by the force of their own weight could bring into being so marvelous and beautiful a world.”— Balbus (Cicero) (45BC), On the Nature of the Gods (pg. 161) [15]
“If one believes such a thing possible, I cannot conceive why one would not believe as well that by haphazardly throwing a vast quantity of the twenty-one letters onto the ground, the result could be Ennius’ Annals, such that they could then be read. I doubt if chance could by itself complete even a single line.”
“Throughout the whole world, in all places and at all times, Fortuna alone is invoked, alone commended, alone accused and subject to reproaches, to her is credited all that is received and we are subject to chance that ‘chance’ herself takes the place of god.”
“Cicero denied that they could have come into existence by a fortuitous concourse of atoms. Was there anything so absurd as to believe that a number of atoms by falling together of their own accord could make a crystal, a sprig of moss, a microbe, a living animal?”
See main: Anti-chanceThose who adhere to a non-chance based operation of nature models seem to be generally captured in the "Goethe-Spinoza school" of thought:
“Nothing in nature is by chance. Something appears to be chance only because of our lack of knowledge.”— Benedict Spinoza (c.1675); Publication (Ѻ); cited (Ѻ) by Heinz-Otto Pietgen in Baustein des Chaos (1992)
“There is no such thing as chance; and what seem to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.”The view of “chance”, in Goethe’s writings, according to Bernhard Kuhn (2013), is captured, in part, throughout his Poetry and Truth, in what he refers to as the “daemonic” (see: Goethe’s daimonic), a type of force like chance, but not chance: (Ѻ)— Friedrich Schiller (c.1795), (Ѻ)
“I perceived something in nature (whether living or lifeless, animate or inanimate) that manifested itself only in contradictions and therefore could not be expressed in any concept, much less any word. It was not divine, for it seemed irrational; not human, for it had no intelligence; not diabolical, for it was beneficent; and not angelic, for it often betrayed malice. It was like chance, for it laced continuity, and like providence, for it suggested context. Everything that limits us seemed penetrable by it, and it appeared to dispose at will over the elements necessary to our existence, to contract time and expand space. It seemed only to accept the impossible and scornfully to reject the possible.”
Other Goethe adherents, who also are anti-chance thinkers, include:
“Matter and energy have an original property, assuredly not by chance, which organizes the universe in space and time.”— Lawrence Henderson (1913), The Fitness of the Environment [7]“Problems of evolution are in large measure problems of probabilities, statistical problems. Incidentally, this reflection disposes of the rather foolish objection sometimes raised against the theory of evolution, that it ascribes the course of events in an evolving system to chance. When we describe a phenomenon as being governed by chance, we do not, of course, mean that there are no definite causes (determining factors) at work; we merely state in these terms that the causes are complex and not known to us in detail.”— Alfred Lotka (1925), Elements of Physical Biology (pg. 25)
“Thermodynamically directed chemical evolution could conceivably proceed indefinitely without changing from a non-living [non-living state] to a living state. Only when organic matter had achieve a high degree of organization, and had acquired diverse propensities though concatenation of such substances—with ‘chance’ as the only arbiter—did primordial life emerge as a new dimension in nature: matter perpetuating its own organization.”Morgulis' thermodynamic arguments, here, are based on Blum, who bases his ideas on Henderson, who denies chance; Morgulis, however, is ignorant of this.
An anti-evolution cartoon (Ѻ) depicting an atheist scientist and his “life = chance” computer program, which randomly scuffles letters, aiming to disprove intelligent design — a semi-parody of Cicero's 45BC "scattered letters argument" against Lucretius and his chance-based atomic theory origin of the world (see: typing monkeys) — according to which the program produces a “living thing” from chance. |
“Mere chance, as we may call it, might cause one variety to differ in some character from its parents, and the offspring of this variety again to differ from its parent in the very same character and in a greater degree; but this alone would never account for so habitual and large an amount of difference as that between varieties of the same species and species of the same genus.”
“I have hitherto sometimes spoken as if the variations —so common and multiform in organic beings under domestication, and in a lesser degree in those in a state of nature—had been due to chance. This, of course, is a wholly incorrect expression, but it serves to acknowledge plainly our ignorance of the cause of each particular variation.”
In a 22 May 1860 letter to Asa Gray, Darwin commented further on his ambivalence with the term notion of chance:
“I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from designed laws, with the details, whether good or bad, left to the working out of what we may call chance. Not that this notion at all satisfies me.”
A Muslim ridiculing the “chance” based atheist explanation of evolution and the formation of complex things, such as helicopters. |
“Designs we see in nature are not the result of chance.”
“The opinion that evolution is ‘governed’ by chance is not quite correct: the joint action of random events in a thermodynamic system should always satisfy the requirements of thermodynamics. The fan of thermodynamics always has a fixed direction.”
“Quantum mechanics has taught us to see in the exponential law of radioactive transformations an elemental law which cannot be reduced to a simple causal mechanism. Naturally also the statistical laws recognized by classical mechanics and relative to complex systems keep their validity according to quantum mechanics. This modified on the other hand the rules for the determination of internal configurations and does so in two different ways depending on the nature of the physical systems, thus given rise respectively to the statistical theories of Bose-Einstein, and of Fermi. However, the introduction in physics of a new type of statistical law, or simply a probabilistic one, which was hidden under the supposed determinism of ordinary statistical laws, obliges us to revise the bases of the analogy which we have previously established with the statistical laws in social sciences.”
“The more we study living things, the more we study all of nature, including the atom itself, the more we can see that everything is not just a matter of chance. Figure out the chance that some protein molecule, or some hormone, or vitamin or enzyme, for example, was gotten together by the mere chance meeting of all its component atoms out of a chaos of atoms. Such molecules are so complex that even over the period of billions of years since the earth was formed, it is still extremely unlikely that any such molecules would be formed by pure chance. It is even more inconceivable to believe that that chance can account for all the hundreds of thousands of types of molecules that occur in nature, for all the exceedingly dynamic and complicated processes which these molecules take part, and much less for all the marvels of biology.”
“One cannot predict when any particular unstable atom will disintegrate or ‘die’, just as the case for mice or men.”
“A philosopher once said: if you randomly throw pieces of metal together, they will never build a clock on their own.”
A (Ѻ) pic of relationship chance dice, entitled “Lucky in Love People Chance Game Dice”, a play on the “lucky in love” motto; the opposite of which is determinism, the idea that neither chance nor dice, but fate or destiny determines relationship outcomes. |
“The idea—of life forming by random chance—is still very much alive at the popular level. For many college students who speculate about these things, ‘chance’ is still the hero. They think if you let amino acids randomly interact over millions of years life is somehow going to emerge.”— Lee Strobel (c.2003), dialogue (Ѻ) with Stephen Meyer“The implications were fairly horrifying when it came to man’s place in this Darwinian world. Higher purpose was gone. And what of the soul? Only men had souls, it was said, but if humans shared a legacy with apes and sharks and slugs, did that leave room for a soul? For an afterlife? The logic of Darwin suggests that human existence is nothing more than a happy accident brought about by blind chance.”— Edward Humes (2007), Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America’s Soul